B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies (2024)

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This database will contains the history of every single Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress which was built. This site shows all the manufactures production-blocks of the B-17s. Click on a production-block to get details of the B-17 serial numbers of the production-block.

The B-17 database is complete now and contains all 12.731 planes:


12731 (100%)


M299, Y1B-17, YB-17A, B-17B, B-17C, B-17D

  • Boeing B-17B: 38-211 to 38-223 13
  • Boeing B-17B: 38-258 to 38-270 13
  • Boeing B-17B: 38-583 to 38-584 and 38-610 3
  • Boeing B-17B: 39-1 to 39-10 10
  • Boeing B-17C: 40-2042 to 40-2079 38
  • Boeing B-17D: 40-3059 to 40-3100 42
  • Boeing M299 to 36-161 and 37-369 15


  • Boeing B-17E: 41-2393 to 41-2669 277
  • Boeing B-17E: 41-9011 to 41-9245 235



  • B-17F-1-BO: 41-24340 to 41-24389 50
  • B-17F-1-DL: 42-2964 to 42-2966 3
  • B-17F-1-VE: 42-5705 to 42-5709 5
  • B-17F-10-BO: 41-24440 to 41-24489 50
  • B-17F-10-DL: 42-2979 to 42-3003 25
  • B-17F-10-VE: 42-5725 to 42-5744 20
  • B-17F-100-BO: 42-30332 to 42-30431 100
  • B-17F-105-BO: 42-30432 to 42-30531 100
  • B-17F-110-BO: 42-30532 to 42-30616 85
  • B-17F-115-BO: 42-30617 to 42-30731 115
  • B-17F-120-BO: 42-30732 to 42-30831 100
  • B-17F-125-BO: 42-30832 to 42-30931 100
  • B-17F-130-BO: 42-30932 to 42-31031 100
  • B-17F-15-BO: 41-24490 to 41-24503 14
  • B-17F-15-DL: 42-3004 to 42-3038 35
  • B-17F-15-VE: 42-5745 to 42-5764 20
  • B-17F-20-BO: 41-24504 to 41-24539 36
  • B-17F-20-DL: 42-3039 to 42-3073 35
  • B-17F-20-VE: 42-5765 to 42-5804 40
  • B-17F-25-BO: 41-24540 to 41-24584 45
  • B-17F-25-DL: 42-3074 to 42-3148 75
  • B-17F-25-VE: 42-5805 to 42-5854 50
  • B-17F-27-BO: 41-24585 to 41-24639 55
  • B-17F-30-BO: 42-5050 to 42-5078 29
  • B-17F-30-DL: 42-3149 to 42-3188 40
  • B-17F-30-VE: 42-5855 to 42-5904 50
  • B-17F-35-BO: 42-5079 to 42-5149 71
  • B-17F-35-DL: 42-3189 to 42-3228 40
  • B-17F-35-VE: 42-5905 to 42-5954 50
  • B-17F-40-BO: 42-5150 to 42-5249 100
  • B-17F-40-DL: 42-3229 to 42-3283 55
  • B-17F-40-VE: 42-5955 to 42-6029 75
  • B-17F-45-BO: 42-5250 to 42-5349 100
  • B-17F-45-DL: 42-3284 to 42-3338 55
  • B-17F-45-VE: 42-6030 to 42-6104 75
  • B-17F-5-BO: 41-24390 to 41-24439 50
  • B-17F-5-DL: 42-2967 to 42-2978 12
  • B-17F-5-VE: 42-5710 to 42-5724 15
  • B-17F-50-BO: 42-5350 to 42-5484 135
  • B-17F-50-DL: 42-3339 to 42-3393 55
  • B-17F-50-VE: 42-6105 to 42-6204 100
  • B-17F-55-BO: 42-29467 to 42-29531 65
  • B-17F-55-DL: 42-3394 to 42-3422 29
  • B-17F-60-BO: 42-29532 to 42-29631 100
  • B-17F-60-DL: 42-3423 to 42-3448 26
  • B-17F-65-BO: 42-29632 to 42-29731 100
  • B-17F-65-DL: 42-3449 to 42-3482 34
  • B-17F-70-BO: 42-29732 to 42-29831 100
  • B-17F-70-DL: 42-3483 to 42-3503 21
  • B-17F-75-BO: 42-29832 to 42-29931 100
  • B-17F-75-DL: 42-3504 to 42-3563 60
  • B-17F-80-BO: 42-29932 to 42-30031 100
  • B-17F-80-DL: 42-37714 to 42-37715 2
  • B-17F-85-BO: 42-30032 to 42-30131 100
  • B-17F-85-DL: 42-37717 to 42-37720 4
  • B-17F-90-BO: 42-30132 to 42-30231 100
  • B-17F-95-BO: 42-30232 to 42-30331 100


  • B-17G-1-BO: 42-31032 to 42-31131 100
  • B-17G-1-DL: 42-3483 to 42-3503 21
  • B-17G-1-VE: 42-39758 to 42-39857 100
  • B-17G-10-BO: 42-31232 to 42-31331 100
  • B-17G-10-DL: 42-37716 1
  • B-17G-10-DL: 42-37721 to 42-37803 83
  • B-17G-10-VE: 42-39958 to 42-40057 100
  • B-17G-100-BO: 43-38874 to 43-39073 200
  • B-17G-100-VE: 44-85592 to 44-85691 100
  • B-17G-105-BO: 43-39074 to 43-39273 200
  • B-17G-105-VE: 44-85692 to 44-85791 100
  • B-17G-110-BO: 43-39274 to 43-39508 235
  • B-17G-110-VE: 44-85792 to 44-85841 50
  • B-17G-15-BO: 42-31332 to 42-31431 100
  • B-17G-15-DL: 42-37804 to 42-37893 90
  • B-17G-15-VE: 42-97436 to 42-97535 100
  • B-17G-20-BO: 42-31432 to 42-31631 200
  • B-17G-20-DL: 42-37894 to 42-37988 95
  • B-17G-20-VE: 42-97536 to 42-97635 100
  • B-17G-25-BO: 42-31632 to 42-31731 100
  • B-17G-25-DL: 42-37989 to 42-38083 95
  • B-17G-25-VE: 42-97636 to 42-97735 100
  • B-17G-30-BO 42-31732 to 42-31931 200
  • B-17G-30-DL: 42-38084 to 42-38213 130
  • B-17G-30-VE: 42-97736 to 42-97835 100
  • B-17G-35-BO: 42-31932 to 42-32116 185
  • B-17G-35-DL: 42-106984 to 42-107233 250
  • B-17G-35-VE: 42-97836 to 42-97935 100
  • B-17G-40-BO: 42-97058 to 42-97172 115
  • B-17G-40-DL: 44-6001 to 44-6125 125
  • B-17G-40-VE: 42-97936 to 42-98035 100
  • B-17G-45-BO: 42-97173 to 42-97435 236
  • B-17G-45-DL: 44-6126 to 44-6250 125
  • B-17G-45-VE: 44-8001 to 44-8100 100
  • B-17G-5-BO: 42-31132 to 42-31231 100
  • B-17G-5-DL: 42-3504 to 42-3563 60
  • B-17G-5-VE: 42-39858 to 42-39957 100
  • B-17G-50-BO: 42-102379 to 42-102543 165
  • B-17G-50-DL: 44-6251 to 44-6500 250
  • B-17G-50-VE: 44-8101 to 44-8200 100
  • B-17G-55-BO: 42-102544 to 42-102743 200
  • B-17G-55-DL: 44-6501 to 44-6625 125
  • B-17G-55-VE: 44-8201 to 44-8300 100
  • B-17G-60-BO: 42-102744 to 42-102978 235
  • B-17G-60-DL: 44-6626 to 44-6750 125
  • B-17G-60-VE: 44-8301 to 44-8400 100
  • B-17G-65-BO: 43-37509 to 43-37673 165
  • B-17G-65-DL: 44-6751 to 44-6875 125
  • B-17G-65-VE: 44-8401 to 44-8500 100
  • B-17G-70-BO: 43-37674 to 43-37873 200
  • B-17G-70-DL: 44-6876 to 44-7000 125
  • B-17G-70-VE: 44-8501 to 44-8600 100
  • B-17G-75-BO: 43-37874 to 43-38073 200
  • B-17G-75-DL: 44-83236 to 44-83360 125
  • B-17G-75-VE: 44-8601 to 44-8700 100
  • B-17G-80-BO: 43-38074 to 43-38273 200
  • B-17G-80-DL: 44-83361 to 44-83485 125
  • B-17G-80-VE: 44-8701 to 44-8800 100
  • B-17G-85-BO: 43-38274 to 43-38473 200
  • B-17G-85-DL: 44-83486 to 44-83585 100
  • B-17G-85-VE: 44-8801 to 44-8900 100
  • B-17G-90-BO 43-38474 to 43-38673 200
  • B-17G-90-DL: 44-83586 to 44-83685 100
  • B-17G-90-VE: 44-8901 to 44-9000 100
  • B-17G-95-BO: 43-38674 to 43-38873 201
  • B-17G-95-DL: 44-83686 to 44-83885 200
  • B-17G-95-DL: 44-83864 to 44-83885 0
  • B-17G-95-VE: 44-85492 to 44-85591 100

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Recent Comments

  • Doug Hopping on 42-31101 / Margie
  • b17flyingfortress.de on 42-3283 / Yankee Queen
  • Bill Waugh on 42-31393 / Snafu
  • Bobby Watson Jr on 43-38688
  • Scott on 44-6004 / Ronny Boy
  • Todd Locke on 42-3283 / Yankee Queen
  • Peggy Buescher on 43-38911 / Bull Session
  • Stephen Panitz on 42-30191 / The Bolevich
  • Dean Reynolds on 42-31101 / Margie
  • Jeanette Merchant on 42-30191 / The Bolevich


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B-17 Bomber Flying Fortress – The Queen Of The Skies (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Views: 6468

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.