City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (2024)

Electricity Rates, Plans & Statistics

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About City of Geneva Electric

City of Geneva Electric is a municipally owned entity supplying electricity in Geneva, Illinois and rural areas of Kane County. Electricity providers must regularly report the total number of customers signed up for their services to government agencies. In the most recent report the supplier reported a total of 8,827 residential customers, 1,383 commercial accounts and 18 industrial customers receiving their services. This is the entirety of their customers. City of Geneva Electric's average residential electricity price per kilowatt hour is 11.21 cents per kilowatt hour, which is 21.71% lower than Illinois' average price of 14.32 cents. This makes the company 8th out of 78 companies in the state for lowest average electricity rate. A total of 364,948 megawatt hours were sold through retail sales in 2022 by the company. The megawatt hours sourced by the supplier came from a blend of electricity production from electricity plants owned by City of Geneva Electric and supplementary megawatt hours that they acquired via wholesale channels. Their total revenue in 2022 from electricity activities was $34,202,000, with 99.41% coming from retail sales to end users.

The US average monthly residential power bill is $135.95, while the City of Geneva Electric average is 43.95% below at $76.2 per month. This is the 222nd lowest average monthly bill amount for a supplier in the United States. Production by the provider from natural gas totals 3,655 megawatt hours, which is roughly 100.00% of their total production. Electricity production plants owned or managed by the provider use non-renewable fuel sources to generate 100.00% of their total electricity production, or 3,655 megawatt hours. This amount ranks them at 393rd in the country out of 3526 companies. Customers of the supplier are faced with 0.56 electrical outages per year with outages lasting an average of 22.12 minutes.

City of Geneva Electric Net Metering

Consumers of City of Geneva Electric are able to participate in net metering solutions, which is a positive for both parties. Net metering makes solar panel installation more economically feasible as it gives the ability for people to sell electricity back to their electricity provider.

Energy Loss

Electricity providers routinely submit reports for energy lost through heat dissipation and other causes to government agencies who track infrastructure efficiencies. City of Geneva Electric recently reported a loss of 2.53% of the electricity generation total. The state of Illinois has an energy loss average of 2.82% and the countrywide average is 2.87%, giving City of Geneva Electric a rank of 287th best out of 3526 providers who report energy loss in the United States.

City of Geneva Electric Rate & Electric Bills

City of Geneva Electric residential electric rates are highest in May and the highest average bill is in August.

Historical Electricity Rates:

535th11.21¢City of Geneva Electric's Average residential price per kWh

222nd$76.2Average monthly electricity bill for City of Geneva Electric's residential customers

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City of Geneva Electric Overview

  • Company Type:Municipal
  • Headquarters:22 South First Street
    Geneva, Illinois 60134
    United States of America
  • Director/Superintendent:Hal Wright

City of Geneva Electric Contact

Quick Facts About City of Geneva Electric

As the 562nd largest producer of electricity in the country, City of Geneva Electric generates 3,655 megawatt hours of electricity.

Based on megawatt hours produced, City of Geneva Electric is the 562nd largest out of 3526 providers in the country.

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (1)

Top 3 Lowest Energy Loss

Illinois, Major Provider Category

Claim Award

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (2)

Lowest Energy Loss

Illinois, Major Provider Category

Claim Award

Energy Loss

City of Geneva Electric's energy loss due to business operations.


Total Energy Loss


287National Rank

Grid Reliability

Length & Frequency of City of Geneva Electric's Power Outages


vs. national average of 171.11 min.


vs. national average of 1.45

City of Geneva Electric Energy Makeup

MonthlyWe report production data as it is published. Due to reporting methods and timing, data from 2023 and 2022 may be incomplete. Data is released in full each fall for the previous calendar year. For clarification on any data points, please contact our team.

AnnualAnnual data for 2022 will be finalized in the fall of 2023. Until that time, some data may be incomplete. Data for 2023 is a summation of all information released to date, which may only represent a portion of the actual production that has occurred. For clarification on any data points, please contact our team.

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City of Geneva Electric Coverage Map

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (3)

City of Geneva Electric State Coverage

StateCustomersSales ($)State Rank Based On Revenue% of Provider's Residential Sales in State

1 states with service

City of Geneva Electric County Coverage

CountyPopulationProvidersAvg. County Rate (¢)Avg. Electric Bill
Kane County514,1825118.85$111.35/mo

1 counties with coverage

Power Plants Owned by City of Geneva Electric

PlantCity/CountyStatePrimary Fuel TypeProduction (MWh)Emission (kg)Emissions/MWhToxic Chemical ReleaseClosing Date

Geneva Generation FacilityCity of Geneva Electric (100.00%)

Geneva IL Natural Gas 3,6551,682,267.3460.26

1 power plants total

City of Geneva Electric Fuel Makeup


City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (4)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (5)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (6)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (7)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (8)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (9)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (10)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (11)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (12)

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (13)


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City of Geneva Electric FAQ:

What is the phone number for City of Geneva Electric?

City of Geneva Electric's customer service phone number is (630) 232-1503

Who is the CEO of City of Geneva Electric?

City of Geneva Electric's CEO is Hal Wright.

How many power plants are owned by or associated with City of Geneva Electric?

There is one power plant associated with or owned by City of Geneva Electric.

What percentage of City of Geneva Electric's electricity is generated using nonrenewable fuel sources?

Power plants owned by or associated with City of Geneva Electric generate 100.00% of their electricity using nonrenewable fuel types.

How much is the average bundled bill for City of Geneva Electric customers each month?

Customers of City of Geneva Electric pay, on average, a monthly bundled bill of $76.20.

When will City of Geneva Electric power be restored?

Average outage times for City of Geneva Electric are about 22.12 minutes per outage.

What is the average bundled electricity rate for City of Geneva Electric customers?

Customers of City of Geneva Electric, on average, have an electricity bundled rate 11.21 cents per kilowatt hour (¢/kWh).

What percentage of City of Geneva Electric's electricity is generated from renewable fuel types?

City of Geneva Electric generates 0% of their electricity from renewable fuel types.

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (14)

Last Reviewed By: Ginalyn Gelera

Published: 2024-07-19

City of Geneva Electric: Rates, Coverage Area, Emissions (2024)
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