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Your Community Press newspaper servingMiami Township and Milford

Vol. 33 No. 24© 2013 The Community Press

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Contact usFOODRita Heikenfeld makesher pecan pie using herfriend Perrin’s no-failpie crust.Full story, B3

CHANGESTo keep up with the changesfrom House Bill 59 the Milfordschool district is working toupdate its policies.Full story, A2

MIAMI TWP. — Additionalfunds must be appropriatedfor the police department tobuy16 replacement stunguns.

“(The) Taser (company) issaying they’reobsolete.We’vehad them long enough thatthey’ve cycled out,” said Po-lice Chief Steve Bailey.

The replacements were abudgeted item the depart-ment began looking at in thefall, and because no action hasbeen taken yet the price in-creased about $4,000, Baileysaid.

A previous proposal forstun guns was tabled by theBoard of Trustees to give thetownship’s law director timeto review and amend changesto the department’s use offorce policy.

Major changes that havenow been implemented to thepolicy includewhere to targetsomeone and what to do withmoving suspects, Bailey said.

“It used to be we weretrained not to target onlysomeone’s face or groin. Now,preferred targeting is in theback,” he said.

Officers also are no longertrained to stun moving sus-pects.

“Ifyou tasesomeonewho isrunning, what’s going to hap-pen? They’re going to fall onthe ground and bust theirteeth,” Bailey said.

The department also rede-fined what they call active re-sistance to mean “if we use a

Taser ...weneededtogaincon-trol of the suspect,” he said.

In addition to the depart-ment’s policy changes, stungunsthemselveshavebecomesafer, Bailey said.

“They now have automaticcycling so it shuts it off,” hesaid. “If an individual is work-ing on adrenaline, the devicewill shut off so a person getsthe shock needed to containthem - but not hurt them.”

Additional money for thestun guns will come from thedepartment’s“non-committedfunds.”

“These are reserve oremergency funds that werenot budgeted for a particularpurpose and are available forusewith the board of trustees’authorization,” said LarryFronk, township administra-tor, in an email.

Some of the old stun gunswill be traded in, and replace-ments will be purchased -along with holsters, ammo, atrainingmanual and extendedwarranty. The newequipmentwill cost taxpayers $20,664.

“Honestly, I’d rather seeTasers used than potentiallyshooting people,” said TrusteeMary Makley Wolff. “(Stunguns) can help control veryuncontrollable situations.”

In the past two years therewere six “use of force” re-ports involving stun guns.

“Werequireevery time (of-ficers) display it to be report-ed as a use of force,” Baileysaid.

“Butwedooccasionallyde-ploy the darts.”

Taser purchaseexceeds budgetBy Keith [emailprotected]

Miami Township police want to purchase 16 stun guns to replaceoutdated equipment. The equipment will cost about $4,000 morethan originally budgeted.FILE ART

MIAMI TWP.—Children couldbe playing on new equipment atPaxton Ramsey Park as soon asNovember if trustees approveit.

Township Service DirectorMike Mantel recently present-ed a proposal to replace play-ground equipment at the parkbecause it no longer complieswith national standards.

“It’s beginning to show itsage and we’re having a hardtime now finding parts for it,”Mantel said.

The original equipment wasinstalled in1997, and its expect-ed life span was 15 years, hesaid.

Although it is maintained bythe service department and re-mains in decent shape, theequipment needs to be re-placed, Mantel said.

“When it was installed it wasstate-of-the-art, but industrystandards have changed overthe years,” he said.

For example, the spindlesholdinguphandrails on someofthe equipment aren’t broken,but they are spread out farenough its possible for a child tofall through.

“The swing sets are staying,everything else is being re-placed,” Mantel said.

Three different sets ofslides, a bridge, canopied fea-

tures and other equipment willbe added to the park.

If approved, the equipmentwill be installed by David Wil-liams and Associates, whichworkedwith the township on itsother parks.

Service department employ-eeswillhandleremovingtheex-isting play set and the finalphase of installing safetymulch, Mantel said.

The replacement and instal-lation of equipment will costtaxpayers about $38,000.

Mantel said he expects theproject to be completed some-time in November.

“This isagood timeofyear todo this,” he said. “One of thethings you really hate to do istake a play set away from an

area in theheight ofplaygroundactivity.”

KenTracy, township trustee,askedwhat the plans for the oldequipment are.

“We could easily reusemetalportions, but when we pull thematerial out of theground thereare going to be large chunks ofconcrete attached,” Mantelsaid. “Basically, when you takeit apart, pieceswill no longer beusable in they way they weredesigned.”

Trying to sell the equipmentat that stage could cause liabil-ity issues, he said.

“This is a pretty simple pro-ject, as far as our projects go -but the kids who utilize thatpark are really going to enjoyit,” Mantel said.

The swing set at Paxton Ramsey Park in Miami Township is staying, but the other playground equipment isgoing to be replaced if trustees approve a proposal from the service department. FILE ART

Playground equipmentmay be replaced soonBy Keith [emailprotected]

This is a rendering of the proposed playground equipment at PaxtonRamsey Park in Miami Township.PROVIDED

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MILFORD — Eventhough House Bill 59 isknown as the budget billit’s impacted more thanjust budgets.

Yes, the bill changedthe funding formula forschools, but it alsochanged how schools ac-count for snow days, thelength of the school yearand more.

To keep up with all thechanges, the Milford Ex-empted Village SchoolDistrict Board of Educa-tion is working to updateits policies.

“Sometimes you canget too detailed,” saidMil-

ford Superintendent BobFarrell.


Farrell said the schoolboard hasn’t updated itspolicies like this in theseven years he’s beenthere.

“On an individual basiswe review policy all thetime,” said Dave Yockey,president of the board.“(This update) will allowchanges to be made fast-er.”

The board’s PolicyCommitteemet with Ken-na Haycox, a policy con-sultant from the OhioSchoolBoardAssociation,to go through languageline by line and section by

section.The committeemet for

three hours recently, onlycompleting section I ofthe board’s policies.

“There’s a whole lot of

little changes,” Farrellsaid.

One of the biggerchanges is not in the poli-cies, but how they will bepresented.

Parents can find thecurrent policies on theBoard of Education pageon Milford’s website

When everything is up-datedandapprovedbytheboard, new software willmake it easier to searchthrough - something that’scaused residents prob-lems in the past, Farrellsaid.

“We’re hoping to pre-sent (the updated policy)at the October boardmeeting,” he said.

Before that, the boardis expected to approve acertain section of the pol-icy regarding home-schooled students at itsSeptember meeting.

House Bill 59 allowsstudents who are home-schooled to participate inextracurricular activitiesataschoolwhentheyarearesident of the district.The law used to requirestudents to at least takepart-time classes at aschool to be eligible.

The change also allowsstudents without anequivalent program attheir school to participatein another school’s extra-curricular activity with-out being a resident, Far-rell said.

“Someone could comeplay on our water poloteam, for example, if theydidn’t have a teamat theirschool,” he said.

The eligibility changesaren’t limited to sports,and the board is tweakingits policies so it will be incompliance with statelaw, Farrell said.

“The lawwas passed attheendofJune,but it goesinto effect Sept. 29,” hesaid. “Most people don’tknowawhole lot about it.”

The school board isscheduled to meet Thurs-day, Sept. 19 at Meadow-view Elementary at 6:45p.m.

Milford district is overhauling its policiesBy Keith [emailprotected]

If Milford School board’s policy is approved, a studentwithout a band program at his or her school couldpotentially participate in Milford’s band, which is seen hereparticipating in a state competition.FILE ART





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BATAVIA — The Cler-mont County MentalHealth and RecoveryBoard is continuing itssuicide-prevention ef-forts, with a focus on at-risk teenagersduringSu-icide Prevention Week.

The Clermont CountyCommissioners namedSept. 8 through 14 Sui-cide Prevention Week inClermont County, coin-ciding with the nationaleffort by the AmericanAssociation ofSuicidology.

Dr. Lee Ann Watson,the Mental Health and

Recovery Board’s asso-ciate director, said thecounty’s efforts havechanged since it formedthe Suicide PreventionCoalition in 2003.

In 2007, there weretwo youth suicides inClermont County, but thecounty reported eight in2008 and five in 2009.

“Since 2003, our focushas been on youth suicid-es,”Watson, chairwomanof the Suicide PreventionCoalition, said.

“But in 2009 we saw ahuge jump in suicidesand began focusing onprevention efforts formiddle-aged residents,and older adults.”

There were 39 suicid-es recorded in 2009,which Watson attributesto the economic reces-sion she said put adultsmore at risk.

“If one person com-mits suicide there’s ahigher risk others will doit,” she said.

“We change our cam-paign based on the needsof the community.”

The county also oper-ates a 24-hour crisis hot-line and has aMobile Cri-sis Team of medical andmental health profes-sionals.

Crisis Team opera-tions include respondingto disaster situations like

the 2012Moscow tornadotragedy as well as suicid-es.

“The hotline has field-ed 10,000 plus calls – ap-proximately 800 fromsuicidal or concernedpeople,” said RachelBayer, crisis hotline co-ordinator.

October will mark 10years of operation for thehotline, and Bayer saidshe is proud the team hasbeen able to engage in avast majority of the situ-ations it has faced.

Clermont County had30 suicides committed in2012 and there have been21 to date this year, with-in county boundaries.

Suicide prevention focus has changedBy Jason [emailprotected]

Rachel Bayer, left, discusses her work as coordinator of theClermont County Crisis Hotline after Ed Humphrey, right,and his fellow Clermont County Commissioners namedSept. 8-14 Suicide Prevention Week in the county. JASON


BATAVIA — ClermontCounty received one bidfor its ShaylerRun sewer-replacement project.

Welsh ExcavatingfromCleves recently sub-mitted itsbid for$612,237.

The company’s bid is$142,997 higher thanCler-mont County EngineerPatrick Manger’s esti-mate.

“Likely our recom-mendation will be to re-ject the bid,” said LyleBloom, utilities directorfor the Clermont CountyWater Resources Depart-ment.

“Wewillmake anynec-essary adjustments to theplans ... and rebid the pro-ject.”

The project would in-stall a 24-inch connectingsewage line under stateRoute 32, said Kevin Kap-

pers, projectmanager forthe Water Resources De-partment.

“The sewer pipe is con-necting to a recent trunk-sewerpipe installedacou-ple years ago.”

Traffic along the high-way shouldn’t be affectedby the work because itwill be under the road.

Contract changesaves taxpayerdollars

County Commission-ers recently approved analteration to a contractwith Cleveland-basedGarland/DBS Inc., whichreplaced the roof at theMiddle East Fork Waste-water Treatment Plant inBatavia Township.

The county spent$85,311 of taxpayer dol-lars on the project afterthe $1,000 reduction wasapproved.

“This completes theproject,” Bloom said.

“There will be a close-out but this is the finalchange order for the pro-ject.”

Want to knowmore about thestories that matter in Cler-mont County? Follow JasonHoffman on Twitter:@jhoffman_cp.

Clermont seeks bids for sewer workBy Jason [emailprotected]

The Middle East ForkWastewater TreatmentPlant has a new roof andended up costing taxpayers$1,000 less than initiallyestimated. JASON HOFFMAN/THE




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BATAVIA — Companiesbidding to repair thecounty’s water andwaste-water treatment facilitiesand perform electricalmaintenance were reject-ed by Clermont CountyCommissioners Wednes-day, Aug. 28, for being tooexpensive.

Hilvert & Pope Elec-tric Inc, ofCincinnati, andGlenwood Electric Inc.both bid more than 10percenthigher thanCoun-ty Engineer Patrick Man-ger’s $78,000 estimate.

“We’ll be back to hope-fully to request to rebidthat andwe’re going to re-vise the specificationsand hopefully keep itwithin its originial bud-get,” said Lyle Bloom, di-rector of utilities in theClermont County WaterResources Department.

Hilvert & Pope bidmore than$147,000 for the

project and Glenwoodmore than $117,000.

Although there areways to accept bids ex-ceeding estimates bymore than 10 percent,Bloom said he had neverseen a bid outside thethreshold accepted.

“It’s in the code that ifit’s above the engineer’sestimate then we have tomake special procedure –either reject it or do otherthings,” said Ed Hum-phrey, Clermont CountyCommissioner.

No timetable is set forthe county to ask for an-other round of bids.

Commissioners alsovacated a small tract ofland in Union Township.

A 64.94-foot parcel atthe end of White Streetjust offMt.CarmelTobas-co Road near an I-275 exitramp in the township thatseparated two portions ofDreamscapes Nurseries.

Dean Goering, ownerof the nursery, said the

landwill help his businessby making it easier forcustomers to turn aroundand give him more spaceto display trees.

“It has been a longprocess forme, but UnionTownship and ClermontCounty have been im-mensely helpful in theprocess.”

Goering opened hisnursery in 1999 and it hasgrown from a 40-tree dis-play to having more than300.

“If there is no publicpurpose for property andsomeone petitions us tovacate it we will,” Hum-phrey said.

Goering also plans togo theUnionTownship of-ficials in hopes of beingable toexpandhisparkinglot.

Want to knowmore about thestories that matter in Cler-mont County? Follow JasonHoffman on Twitter:@jhoffman_cp.

This is an engineering overlay of the property Clermont County Commissioners vacated toDreamscapes Nurseries Aug. 28.

County rejects bids,vacates propertyBy Jason [emailprotected]


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SEPTEMBER 18, 2013 • CJN-MMA • A5


COMMUNITYPRESSEditor: Eric Spangler, [emailprotected], 576-8251

The 47th class of SouthernState Community College’spractical nursing program washonored during a special recog-nition ceremony on the college’sCentral Campus in Hillsboro.Thirty students were recog-nized for completion of the col-lege’s one-year certificate pro-gram.

The most recent graduatesinclude Jamie Allphin of Love-land, Beth Barker of Bain-bridge, Benjamin Barnett ofSardinia, Sara Brown of Mor-row, Tara Campbell of Goshen,Kristy Collins of Mount Orab,SuzanneDargavellPeebles,Per-ry Day of Mount Orab, LindseyEvans ofWest Union, Jona Fish-

er of New Vienna, Pamela Gib-son ofWestUnion, TaraGlaze ofSabina, Taylor Jones of WestUnion,SkyelynLucasofHillsbo-ro,LisaLynchofWinchester, Ju-lia MacDowell of Sardinia,Tasha McKibben of George-town, Marla McNeal of Wash-ingtonC.H.,AshleyMiddletonofWashington C.H., Angela Mor-

gan of Springfield, Marcia Piz-zutoofWinchester,MichelePur-cell of Amelia, Jesse Rader ofHillsboro, Logan Rankin ofLeesburg, Ashley Sholler of Sa-bina, SusanSmith ofGreenfield,Jennie Soale of Wilmington,Heather Spaeth of Lynchburg,SunshineTaylor of Sardinia, andStacey Yankey of Sabina.

The practical nursing pro-gram at Southern State is a cer-tificate program combining lec-ture classes, lab practice andclinical experience designed toprepare the graduate to be eligi-ble to complete the licensure ex-amination (NCLEX-PN) to be-come a Licensed PracticalNurse.

Southern State Community College's 47th class in the practical nursing program includes (first row, from left) Michelle Purcell, Lisa Lynch, Taylor Jones, Lindsay Evans, Marla McNeal,Beth Barker, Jesse Rader, Jamie Allphin, Susan Smith, Jona Foster; (second row) Sunshine Taylor, Ashley Middleton, Tasha McKibben, Suzanne Dargavell, Pamela Gibson, Ashley Sholler,Angela Morgan, Sara Brown; (third row) Kristy Collins, Heather Spaeth, Jennie Soale, Tara Campbell, Skye Lucas, Stacey Yankey, Tara Glaze; (back row) Marcia Pizzuto, Julia MacDowell,Benjamin Barnett, Logan Rankin, and Perry Day. PROVIDED

Thirty complete nursing program

University of Findlay - ChristopherRahrig, master of business admini-strationWilmington College - Nolan J. Dar-land, BS, sport management; BrittanyN. Gibbons, BS, education; Chad A.Hirschauer, cum laude, BS, psycholo-gy and criminal justice; Travis E.McCrary, BA, business administration;Melissa G. Meyer, cum laude, BA,strategic organizational leaderhip;Sarah E. Watters, BS, athletic train-ing; Angelica F. Zugg, magna cumlaude, BA, education and mathemat-ics.

MiscellaneousDanielle Wright has been named tothe dean’s list for the spring 2013 andfall 2012 list at Kent State University.She will be a junior advertising majorwhen school begins this August.Wright is a member of the Glen EsteClass of 2011.

President’s listSouthern State Community Collegespring semester - Kirsey Boyles,Bonnie Ewing and Nolan Tucker.

Dean’s listBowling Green State University springsemester - Bobbi Carter, Jessica De-weese, Shane Faske, Shannon Malo-ney, Alisha McDaniel, Rachel Neltner,Jennifer Ruhe and Emily Smiddy.Eastern Kentucky University springsemester - Derek Robert Lucas asenior, Glen Este High School gradu-ate majoring in English.Southern State Community Collegespring semester - Ciera SchultzUniversity of Akron spring semester -Karina Atkinson and Cameron Simp-son.

GraduatesBowling Green State University -Jaimie Hendricks.



Glen Este High School student Sara Campbell, left and ElizabethNourse of Summit Country Day High School were chosen to attendthe 67th Buckeye Girls State at the University of Mount Union inJune, the girls served in appointed mock offices and weresponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 72 of MountCarmel. Campbell was appointed to the City School Board of HayesCity and Nourse was appointed City Councilman of Jones City.More than 900 high school girls who are seniors this yearparticipated in the week long government "in action" workshop.The girls were presented a certificate of appreciation for theirparticipation from the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 72. THANKSTOMARILYN MCKENZIE


Eighth-grade students at St. Thomas More School greet younger students as they arrive for the first dayof school 2013. PROVIDED


New employees for 2013-2014 school year include, from back: Amanda Moore, Stacey Adams, MaryHasler, Vicki Witt, Amy Shrock, Leanne Moorman, Jayson Lumpkin, Sarah Carnahan, Brett Harris, andCharlene Politt. Not pictured: Jillian Everett and Connie Eubanks. THANKS TO DEBRA LINDQUIST

Milford miami advertiser 091813 - [PDF Document] (6)

A6 • CJN-MMA • SEPTEMBER 18, 2013


COMMUNITYPRESSEditor: Melanie Laughman, [emailprotected], 513-248-7573

Football» Clermont Northeastern

lost 27-0 at home againstAmelia Sept. 13, falling to 0-3on the season.TheRocketsgoon the road week four to faceGoshen.

»Goshen shut out Bethel-Tate 40-0 Sept. 13 to improveits record to 2-1.TheWarriorsare home Sept. 20 againstCNE.

»MilfordjuniorJackYongpiled up 239 yards and threetouchdowns on 26 carries tolead the Eagles to a 38-26 winagainst Schroeder Sept. 13.

»McNicholasHigh Schoolwon a down-to-the-wire deci-sion on the road Sept. 12, nip-ping Wyoming 21-20. TheRockets got a pair of TD runsfrom Sean Byrne, including a12-yard scorewith half amin-ute toplay to seal thewin.TheRockets improved to 2-1 onthe season. Next up, McNickfaces Dayton Carroll at homeSept. 21 to begin GreaterCatholic League play.

Volleyball» CNE beat Bethel 25-22,

25-12, 25-22 Sept. 12 to im-prove to 9-3.

»Goshen needed all fivesets, but got by New Rich-mond 19-25, 25-18, 24-26, 25-23, 15-5 in a Sept. 10 SouthernBuckeye Conferencematch.

Boys soccer»McNicholas beat Alter

1-0 Sept. 10 to remain unbeat-en at 5-0-3. The Rockets re-mained perfect in GreaterCatholic League play at 3-0with the win. Turpin HighSchool handed McNick itsfirst defeat of the season,blankingtheRockets3-0Sept.12.

»Milford beat Glen Este2-0 Sept. 12, improving to 6-2on the season and 2-0 in theEastern Cincinnati Confer-ence.

»Goshen picked up itsfirst win of the season, a 3-0decision of CNE Sept. 10.

Girls soccer»McNicholas won a pair

of matches against neighbor-hood rivals and knocked off aleague opponent in a success-ful week. The Rockets beatAnderson 2-1 Sept. 7 and de-feated Turpin 2-0 Sept. 9.McNickcappedtherunwitha3-2 home win against Ketter-ing Alter to improve to 4-3-1.

»Goshen won its firstmatch of the season, a 3-0shutout of Felicity-Franklin.

»Milford beat Glen Este2-0 Sept. 10 to remain unde-feated at 3-0-4.

Boys golf»McNicholas won the an-

nual King of the Hill tourna-ment Sept. 11 at ColdstreamCountry Club. Rocket fresh-man Chris Dunne wasmedal-ist with a 37 on the front nine.

»Milford edged Turpin152-159 Sept. 12, improving to6-2 overall and 3-1 in the ECC.

Girls golf»Milford remained unde-

feated in dual matches on theseason, improvingto12-0witha trio of victories. The Eaglesbeat Turpin 168-194 Sept. 10,Little Miami 174-249 Sept. 11and Indian Hill 170-187 Sept.12.

College soccer»Milford High School

graduate Allison Nagle re-corded two assists in a soccergame for the fourth time inher Shawnee State careerSept. 9.


ByMark D. [emailprotected]

MILFORD — He calls himselfa math and science guy, but canhit you with some spelling.

Milford High School seniorThomas Moore knows, for ex-ample, neither the hom*onymcollege across the river – northe saint for whom it is named –has the second O his surnamecontains.

Andwhile ThomasMorewasdepicted in “AMan For All Sea-sons,” Thomas Moore is a busyman in the fall season.

For the last two autumnsMoore not only has played mid-field for the Eagles soccerteam, but also done double dutyas a kicker and punter for thefootball squad.

Which makes head footballcoach Shane Elkins happy.

“He’s just such a good kid,”Elkins said during the presea-son. “Weworkwith him, accom-modate his schedule, becausehe’s the kind of kid, the kind ofleader, youwant tohaveonyourteam.

“One of the big things we’vebeen trying to change has beenthe culture of winning. Footballtraditionhaskindof lost itsway.We’ve got a core of playerswithsome experience and leader-ship, who play smart football.That’s Thomas.”

He’s smart enough to haveearned an appointment to theU.S. Naval Academy next year,where he will play soccer andstudy engineering.

“Both my parents are in themilitary, so it kind of makessense,” Moore said. “I reallylike that the school is math- andscience-based. A degree fromthere is what the kind of thingthat will get you a good job.What they’re teaching – integri-ty, leadership – is everything an

employer is looking for.”Trying to figure out his colle-

giate future before the appoint-ment led Moore to the gridiron.

“With just playing soccer Iwas kind of worried about notgetting a scholarship offer,”Moore said. “Football kickersget some decent offers andwhen Coach Elkins came andasked the soccer team if anyonewas interested in kicking, Ithought I’d give it a shot.”

He’s learned kicking a roundball is considerably differentthan putting a foot to an oblongone.

“Being a soccer player hasits pros and cons as a punter,”Moore said. “In punting it’s avery straight leg, which is real-ly different, because in soccerit’s more rounded. Kickoffs aremore like soccer.”

Moore notched three touch-backs among his first five kick-offs in the first twogamesof theseason. The Eagles improved to2-1 Sept. 13 with a 38-26 winagainst Schroeder, already dou-bling their win total from lastseason.

“The running back and forthbetween fields isn’t the mostfun, but it’s worth it,” Mooresaid. “I like both sports and Ilike getting to play both ofthem.”

‘Moore’ going on forMilford in the fallBy Mark D. [emailprotected]

Milford High School senior Thomas Moore (19) battles Anderson HighSchool sophom*ore Luke Fickenworth (15) for a loose ball during theirsoccer match Sept. 5 at Anderson. MARK D. MOTZ/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

UP NEXTWhat: Milford (2-1) hosts

Woodward High School (1-2)When: 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept.

20Where: 1 Eagles Way, Milford,

Ohio 45150Game key: The Bulldogs

scored 41 points in their first winweek three against Lockland.The Milford defense will have tocontain Woodward’s speed andathleticism to earn its third win.

Goshen High School hosted a quad-meet involleyball Sept.14, bringing in teams fromBa-tavia, Dayton Meadowdale and Withrow highschools for some Saturday morning matches.


Goshen High School sophom*ore Jackie Browngets low as head coach Lisa Smith watchesduring a Sept. 14 match against Batavia HighSchool. MARK D. MOTZ/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

Goshen High School junior BrandiSteele sets up a teammate duringa Sept. 14 volleyball matchagainst Batavia High School. MARK


Goshen High School senior Morgan Dean putsdown a spike against Batavia High School in theirmatch Sept. 14. MARK D. MOTZ/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

Milford miami advertiser 091813 - [PDF Document] (7)


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» Seventh-grade footballdefeated Walnut Hills 30-0 (1-0).

» Eighth-grade footballdefeated Walnut Hills 30-16(1-0).

» Seventh-grade volleyballlost to Nagel Silver (1-2).

» Eighth-grade volleyball lostto Nagel Silver (1-2).

» Cross country boys – secondat Princeton Invitational; HarrisCraycraft, seventh (11:36); Evan

Kreul, 11th (11:52)» Cross country girls – second

at Princeton Invitational; MeganSlovenski, eighth (13:37); JelenaVogt, 12th (13:50)

» Golf defeated Kings.


KENWOOD—Mostwidereceivers who catch 30passes for 358 yards andfour touchdowns as a ju-nior would probablyspend the following sum-mer catching more to besharp for their senioryear.

Not Moeller HighSchool’s Gus Ragland. Af-ter his innings on themound ended as a pitcherfor Moeller’s Division Ichampionship baseballsquad, Ragland was off tofootball camps to playwithout receiving gloves.

Though he had out-standing year on Moell-er’s state title footballgame receiving passes,he’s been throwing themsince he was in the firstgrade. His first two yearsas a Crusader were alsospent at quarterback.

Because Moeller hadSpencer Iacovone back,coach John Rodenbergmoved the 6-foot-3, 200-poundRagland towideoutfor his junior year.

“It was a lot different,”Ragland said. “There’s alot more responsibility atquarterback. Playing re-ceiver was enjoyable. Ithelpedmeunderstandmyreceivers a little bitmore.”

For the Crusaderscoaching staff, movingRagland back simplifiedtheir 2013 offense. Like achess board, Moellermoved their pieces.

The blue and gold re-loadedwithNo.14atquar-terback, speedstersChase Pankey and IsaiahGentry at receiver and a6-foot-5 Jake Hausmann,who looks like your proto-typical Moeller ruggedtight end.

“We thought going intothis year that Gus wasvery similar to Spencer(Iacovone) sowe knewwecould keep the same

scheme,”Rodenbergsaid.“We knew he needed a lit-tle bit of experiencethrowing the football, buthe’s a leader and a leaderin the school.”

Thus far, Pankey, Gen-try, seniors Jack Gruberand Jamie Rieger and thesophom*ore Hausmannhave been rifled the ballfrom Ragland. In theopeneragainst Indianapo-lis Pike, the red-headwiththe rubber arm foundPankey in the finalminutefor the win.

“With the talent wehave at wide receiver, wefeel we can go deep a lot,”Ragland said. “It was agreat play call. I wentback and let the ball goand my teammate made agreat play.”

Ragland followed thatwith a dismantling of Co-vingtonCatholic going 20-25 for a pair of touch-downs.

“We took an approachwhere we were workingon our pass game allweek,” Ragland said. “Wewent out and let loose.We’re just trying to getbetter at little things ev-ery week.”

Rodenberg thinks theyear at wide receiverhelped Ragland in hittinghis routes. He also admitsthat he doesn’t mindchucking the ball, even ifthe statue of Gerry Faustlooksonat everypractice.

“We want to (throw),”Rodenberg said. “We gotsort of locked with Keith(Watkins) last year. Weweren’t throwing effi-ciently. This year we’rekind of forcing ourselvesto do it.”

In baseball, Ragland’sdeveloped a unique habit

of following through sohard that his hat falls offof his head. Fortunately,the football Crusadersheadgear contains a strapso Ragland’s kept his“head about him” in moreways thanone this season.

“Thank goodness, be-cause then he’d have tocome out a play,” Roden-berg said.

Moeller’s Ragland leads to riches on the gridironBy Scott [emailprotected]

Moeller senior quarterback Gus Ragland throws for atouchdown against Covington Catholic Sept. 7.GREGLORING/FOR THE COMMUNITY PRESS

LOOKING AHEADWhat: Moeller v. Louisville St. Xavier football gameWhen: 7:30 p.m., Friday, Sept. 20Where: Moeller’s home field, Roettger Stadium, 124

Anna St. Lockland, OH 45215Fun fact: Quarterback Gus Ragland has talked to Indi-

ana State, Lafayette and Tennessee-Chattanooga for foot-ball and attended camps at Bowling Green and Akron. Forbaseball, he’s being recruited by Miami University andXavier.

ONLINE EXTRASFor a video on thistopic, go to

McNick takes Hensley’s final ‘Hill’ANDERSON TWP. —

When Mel Brooks said it,it was a joke, but it reallyis good to be the king.

Ask PGA Master Pro-fessional Geoff Hensley,who has crowned manyroyals during the King ofthe Hill golf tournamentpitting Anderson, McNi-cholas and Turpin highschools at ColdstreamCountry Club.

Hensley,whostartedatColdstream in 1986, re-tires from the club at theendof this season.Hepre-sided over his final Kingof the Hill Sept. 11.

“It’s community; that’swhat this is about,” Hen-sley said. “I’ve had itcome back to me manytimes over from all threeschools - players, parents,coaches. It’sagreatevent.It’s kind of bittersweet,this being the last one forme. I think it’s been an as-set to the community.

“There’s always beenthe rivalry between theschools, but this different

because there aren’tmany sports where allthree can go head to headat the same time. It’s spe-cial.

“I’ve been fortunateenough to have been partofwhat Iconsider thebestclub in thecity.This is justa chance for me to give alittle something back tothe schools. I’m just amentor, a stepping stone,parent, coach. You knowpros.Wewearmanyhats -lawyers, officials, every-thing.”

McNick head coachJustin Lenczicki enjoyedhis first go-round at theKing of the Hill in nosmall part because histeam won. The Rocketsscored a 158 to beat run-ner-up Turpin (169) andAnderson (173). McNickfreshman Chris Dunnewas medalist with a one-over 37 on the front nine.

“The senior parentsdefinitely let me knowthis was a showcase,”Lenczicki said. “I let thekids pick the lineups andthey started some seniorswho aren’t necessarily

our top guys, but it’s im-portant for them to get toplay this event one lasttime. They love it somuch.

“They’re attitudes are

unbelievable. They playtogether sowell, trust oneanother.Theysaid ‘Coach,we’re not losing this.’ Iwas very proud of them.”

Even in defeat, it was a

memorable event for theother participants.

“It’s something thekids look forward to,” saidAnderson head coach Da-vid Lunn. “Outside of the

league and the sectionals,this is the most importantmatch we play.

“Geoff does a great jobmaking these guys feelspecial. A lot of times ju-niors get the opposite ofthat, that they’reapain, soit’s great to have some-body like Geoff, who real-ly treats them well andmakes themwelcome.”

First-year Spartanhead coach David Priceagreed.

“The pro here does itthe exact way it should bedone,” he said. “It’s donewith class. This kind of asetting really will helpthem for the bigger tour-naments and when theyplay in college.”

Music to Hensley’sears.

“Golf is a gentleman’sgame,” he said. “I’ve triedto keep it friendly. The re-spect that I see on the golfcourse between theseplayers and coaches isgreat. When they walkaway from here, I wantthem to think they’ve hada goodday,whether or notthey scored well.”

ByMark D. [emailprotected]

The McNicholas High School golf team won the King of the Hill golf tournament Sept. 11,beating neighborhood rivals Turpin and Anderson at Coldstream Country Club. They, fromleft, Eric Boychan, Nick Niehaus, Chris Dunne, Mitch Bloemer, Ty DeBonis, TommyWeggener, Zane Brownrigg and Chris Wells, with head coach Justin Lenczicki holding thetrophy. PHOTO COURTESY CAROL NIEHAUS

Milford miami advertiser 091813 - [PDF Document] (8)


Milford-Miami Advertiser EditorEric [emailprotected], 576-8251Office hours: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday-FridaySee page A2 for additional contact information.

394 Wards Corner RoadLoveland, Ohio 45140phone: 248-8600email:[emailprotected]

A publication of


COMMUNITYPRESSEditor: Eric Spangler, [emailprotected], 576-8251


Staying upright is a better ideaA cold January morning

greeted me as I opened thedoor. I quickly tucked myhands into my coat pockets onthe way to the post office.

As I approached the streetcorner I looked up at the bigclock, realizing I needed tohurry. At the bus stop a groupof ladies sat on the bench talk-ing. They did not notice me.

I picked up my pace as myattention quickly turned to theNational Exemplar. I alwaysloved the small town feel as Iwalked along this street.

What I did not see thatmorning was the most impor-tant thing: the uneven brickrising above the otherwiselevel sidewalk. The next thing

I remember,and will neverforget, was thefeeling of myhead crashingonto the con-crete below,chin first,flattening mynose and bend-ing my neckback.

At first, noone offered to help and I won-dered if I could even walkhome. A lady driving by, hav-ing seen my fall, stopped to askif I needed help and offered totake me to the emergencyroom.

By then the gash on my chin

was bleeding profusely. Igrabbed the white scarf frommy neck and pressed it to mychin, hoping not to stain hercar upholstery.

In the emergency room,while the nurse kindly washedmy stained scarf, the doctorexplained my injuries andstitched up the cut chin (itwent to the bone).

Later, my broken nose re-quired a two-hour surgery toput it back together. The sur-geon said it looked like an eggwith over 100 cracks.

The cracked tooth pieceswere extracted by a dentalsurgeon. My face turned fromblack to blue to yellow over theweeks.

These problems, and more,came about simply because myhands were in my pocketswhen my foot stubbed theuneven brick, leaving me un-able to stop the fall.

When talking about a badfall, sadly mymother-in-lawcomes to mind. Carrying gro-ceries from the store, she felland hit her head when the side-walk sloped suddenly for anentrance to a driveway. AirCare efforts failed to save herfrom a blood clot to the brain.

A few reminders to helpstay upright:

Never take an escalatorwithout holding on – they canjam and send you flying. Whentaking the stairs, always hold

the railing. If no railing, leanclose to the wall for support.

Watch for sidewalks withhandicap entries – some side-walks slope suddenly causing aloss of balance. When you stepoff the sidewalk to the parkinglot, realize some roads arelower than others, leaving youfalling in mid-air.

Watch for the barriers alongthe sidewalk in front of yourcar. You can trip on them.

In other words, pay atten-tion to where you are going.

Walking is a wonderfulpastime. Don’t be cheated by afall.

Ann Coleman is a resident of Wil-liamsburg.


Ohio’s New State Budget forFiscal Year’s 2014 and 2015negatively affects local com-munities in three ways:

First, it is providing $95million less in local aid over thenext two years when comparedto the 2012-2013 budget, and $1billion less when compared tothe 2010-2011 budget.

Second, is the loss of theestate tax. This provided $625million to communities over thelast two years. This money willnot be available in the future.

Third, the state has startedto get rid of the local propertytax rollback on new levies.

This means that when a localcommunity passes a levy fromnow on the state will no longergive back 12.5 percent of thenewmoney to local communi-ties.

Miami Township has beenfaced with revenue loses since2009 when the economy took a

turn for theworse.

Not only hasproperty val-ues declinedwhichmeansless revenuefrom propertytaxes, but wehave also beenfaced withreductionsfrom the state

of Ohio as outlined above.We have been able to over-

come these obstacles for tworeasons. The township hasalways carried ample cashreserves, which has been a lifesaver these past few years.

In addition we practicestrong budget and expensecontrols. Just because an itemis in the budget does not insurethe money will be spent.

All large purchases must beapproved by the trustees be-

fore the money is spent.Even with the loss of reve-

nue described above, MiamiTownship has not reduced ser-vices to its citizen’s thanks inpart to the many dedicatedemployees on the payroll.

I am amazed at howwell ouremployees stretch a dollar andstill get the job done.

I hope the citizens of MiamiTownship appreciate the manywonderful things that we haveto offer.

To name a few, we have agreat park system, a modern-ized road network, a beautifulgateway entrance, andmanytrained professional employeeson the payroll.

These things did not happenby themselves. It took strongleadership and a vision for thefuture to make this happen.

Eric Ferry is the fiscal officer forMiami Township

Stretching dollars formaximum benefit



Army Spc. Joseph Mattingly, 21, of New Richmond, with his fatherRick, left, and mother Joyce, right, was recently recognized by theClermont County commissioners for returning from his first tour ofduty in the Khunar Province in Afghanistan. JASON HOFFMAN/THE


Last week’s questionShould local high schools have

American IndiannicknamesoruseAmerican Indian mascots. Why orwhy not?

“This is a simple question forme. I have adeep respect and af-fection for Native Americans. Ihave lived near reservations,had Native American friendsand learned about the cultureand the present day challenges.

“However, I had a child thatgraduated from Anderson (Red-skins) High School and spentmany timeson football andbase-ball fields yelling "Go, Red-skins!" It seems tome that thereare so many names in the Eng-lish dictionary that certainly ev-ery high school and college inthis country could select a non-Native American name andbuild loyalty and competitionaround it.

“In business and even non-profit organizations, nameschange all the time. It can be funto celebrate a new name. Let'ssupport our schools in develop-ing new names that don't disre-spect Native American tribesand culture."


“Onlyschool teamslocatedonreservation lands should be al-lowed to use traditional NativeAmericannames.MiamiUniver-sity even changed its mascot toRedhawkssometimeagoforthisreason.

“American settlers and sol-diers stole the whole continentfrom Native Americans; it isn'ttoo much to ask to allow nativepeople the cultural dignity ofchanging offensive, stereotypi-cal names.

“Peoplewill trytoarguethatanew name doesn't reflect heri-tage accurately; well, that's thesame argument used by racistsin the South who preserve theConfederate flag.”


“Syria, Common Core, Oba-

maCare, Quantitative Easing,Benghazi, Hillary 2016 ... Thinkthe country has more importantthings to worry about. Go Red-skins!”


“NativeAmericannicknamesand mascots have been aroundfor at least a century. When anyschool chooses a mascot thechoice is always made for per-sons or objects that are easilyrecognized as symbols for qual-itiestobeadmiredandemulated.Native Americans are no excep-tionwhether theyareSeminoles,Braves, Redskins, Warriors, Illi-ni, Eskimos, Indians, Black-hawks, Aztecs, etc.

“According topersonalonlineresearch several years ago, theonly opposition comes from asmall modern activist groupknown to pressure schools,teams and similar organizationswith their only goal being theiracceptance of large sums ofmoney to be quiet and go away.

“SofarIhaveneverheardofaschool choosing to be known asthe Fighting Boneheads or OhioBirdbrains. Are churches of-fended by the New OrleansSaints? How about the FightingIrish?"


“Our society is becoming toopolitically correct and over sen-sitive. I am not sure why it is soderogatory to use the Indian as amascot- strength, bravery, ath-leticism, etc.

“None of these terms suggestweakness, failure or shame. Yetif we use anything other than aninanimateobjectorananimalwerun the risk of offending some-one.

“Reminds me of the publicgrade school my kids went to inanother large city – we couldn'tcelebrate St. Patrick's Day inschool unless it was referred toasGreenDay.NoChristmaspar-ty just a red and green holidayparty.

“Geez, give me a flippin'break!!! Get a life. We can't pro-tect our kids from everythingonemightfindoffensive,alienornot of their custom.

“Lifeis,afterall, terminal–noone gets out alive. Deal with it.”


“Yes, until they get rid of theWashington Redskins or changeIndian Hill to Red Hawk Moun-tain!”


“Disrespect to American In-dians for sure. But more impor-tantly, this is thevital questionoftheweek from the new nearmo-nopoly of the papers in Cler-mont? You have got to be kid-ding.

“How about this: Is it treasonto collaborate on InaugurationDay to bring down the presiden-cy (show disrespect) of the new-ly elected black president? I saydarn close.

“But like American Indians,Obama earned his disrespect bybeing born, unlike Bush, whoearnedhis byhis nowreviled ac-tions. I know I’ll never see thiscomment in the paper.”


“This has been tossed aroundfor years as proper or improperuse. Schools teach what, Ameri-can History? What is included,the American Indian.

“The pilgrims to the move-ment west of settlers the booksin our schools and libraries edu-cate us of our American heri-tage.

“Citizensof ourgreat countryneed to quit carrying their softfeelingson their shoulders.Basi-cally, grow up.”



NEXT QUESTIONIf negotiations fail to secureSyria’s chemical weapons shouldthe U.S. conduct military strikesagainst Syria? Why or why not?

Every week we ask readers a questionthey can reply to via e-mail. Send youranswers [emailprotected] withChatroom in the subject line.

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Summer Camp is a memory maker for all chil-dren, but for childrenwith disabilities, the Step-ping Stones summer camp in Indian Hill is a

rarechance tobe just akid.Camperswithdisabilitiescelebrate their abilities as they engage in typicalcampactivities – swimming, fishing, boating,makingcrafts, singing, performing in the camp show andmaking friends. Stepping Stones celebrated its 50th

camp season this year and served more than 400campers ranging in age from 5 to 22. The last day ofcamp on Friday, Aug. 9, was a bittersweet time ofhugs and smiles and tears as campers and staff saidgoodbye until next year.


Stepping Stones staff member Kelsey Sheets, Milford, chasesNathan Andrade of Loveland. THANKS TO BRUCE CRIPPEN

Luke Harrison, 18, of Mason, grins his farewell after summer camp atStepping Stones. THANKS TO LAURA HALEY

Devan Robinson-Holland, 15, of Forest Park, clutches the hand of counselor Emma Hill of Alexandria as thelast bus rolls out of camp.THANKS TO LAURA HALEY

Stepping Stones volunteer Rachel Wheeler of Sand Lion, Mich.,helps Allison Sneed of Centerville practice for the camp show.THANKSTO PEGGY KREIMER

Camper Tyler Woolley of Maineville dances with Kaitlyn Schaefer of Eastgate during a campwide picnic.THANKS TO PEGGY KREIMER

Ashley Frees of Loveland swims with camper George Schneider of Dry Run and volunteer Matt Scheid ofMadeira. THANKS TO BRUCE CRIPPEN

Stepping Stones camper William Downs of Terrace Park and volunteer Hannah Grindling of Clarkston, Mich.,pet a visiting mule from Gorman Heritage Farm. THANKS TO PEGGY KREIMER

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B2 • CJN-MMA • SEPTEMBER 18, 2013

THURSDAY, SEPT. 19Drink TastingsPairedWine Tasting, 6-9 p.m.,Winedog FineWines & Fine Art,451A Ohio Pike, Six wines servedwith gourmet appetizers thatpair well with each. Music andartwork on display in gallery.$19.75. Reservations required.888-288-0668; Anderson Township.

Exercise ClassesZumba Fitness Class, 6:30-7:30p.m., Clough United MethodistChurch, 2010Wolfangel Road,$5. 379-4900. Anderson Town-ship.Jazzercise, 9:30-10:30 a.m., TrinityUnited Methodist Church Mil-ford, 5767Wolfpen-Pleasant HillRoad, Fusion of jazz dance,resistance training, Pilates, yogaand kickboxing. $38 per month.Presented by Jazzercise Milford.476-7522;, 9-9:45 a.m.,Union Township Civic Center,4350 Aicholtz Road, Variety ofexercises designed to increasemuscular strength, range ofmovement and activity for dailyliving skills. Call for pricing.947-7344. Union Township.Senior Yoga, 12:30-1:15 p.m.,Miami Township Civic Center,6101Meijer Drive, Series ofseated and standing yoga poses.Chair support offered to safelyperform variety of posturesdesigned to increase flexibility,balance and range of movement.Call for price. 478-6783.MiamiTownship.SilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, 6716 Ohio132, Move to music throughvariety of exercises designed toincrease muscular strength,range of movement and activ-ities for daily living. Call forpricing. Presented by SilverS-neakers Flex. 478-6783. Goshen.

Literary - Book ClubsMystery Book Club, 12:30-2p.m., Milford-Miami TownshipBranch Library, 1099 Ohio 131,Adults. Bring bag lunch. Present-ed by Clermont County PublicLibrary. 248-0700.Milford.

RecreationJeep and Truck Night, 6-9 p.m.,Quaker Steak & Lube, 590 Cham-ber Drive, Parking lot. For trucks,Jeeps or off-road vehicles. Free.831-5823;

FRIDAY, SEPT. 20Dining EventsFish Fry, 6-7:30 p.m., DennisJohnson VFW Post 6562, 1596Ohio 131, Fish sandwiches,chicken fingers or six-pieceshrimp dinner. Includes coleslawand French fries. Carryout avail-able. $5.50 and up. Presented byLadies Auxiliary Dennis JohnsonVFW Post 6562. 575-2102.Mil-ford.

Exercise ClassesZumba Fitness Class, 9:30-10:30a.m., Clough United MethodistChurch, $5. 379-4900. AndersonTownship.Jazzercise, 9:30-10:30 a.m., TrinityUnited Methodist Church Mil-ford, $38 per month. 476-7522; Flex, 11:15a.m.-noon, SummersideWoods,5484 Summerside Road, Move tomusic through variety of exer-cises designed to increase muscu-lar strength, range of movementand activities for daily living. Callfor pricing. Presented by SilverS-neakers Flex. 478-6783. Sum-merside.SilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.Chair/Mat Yoga, 9-10:10 a.m.,Yoga with Sharon Studio 1, 267Mount Holly Road, Gentle yogabegins in chair and ends on mat.Focus on strength, flexibility,pain management and relax-ation. $6 drop-in or $50 for 10classes. Presented by SharonStrickland. 237-4574. Amelia.

Music - BluesCOLD Tuna, 8 p.m.-midnight,Quaker Steak & Lube, 590 Cham-ber Drive, Acoustic/electricrock-n-blues frommembers ofthe Tuna Project. Free. 831-5823;

NatureHide-and-Seek Jamboree, 10a.m., WoodlandMound, 8250Old Kellogg Road, Throughgames and activities, your childwill discover which animals are

good at hiding and which oneslike to seek. Register online bySept. 17. Ages 3-5. $5 per child.521-7275; Township.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 21Art ExhibitsImages of the Past: Visions ofToday, 1-4 p.m., Greater Love-land Historical Society Museum,201 Riverside Drive, Juried artexhibition inspired by images ofNancy Ford Cones. 683-5692;

Exercise ClassesZumba Fitness Class, 9:30-10:30a.m., Clough United MethodistChurch, $5. 379-4900. AndersonTownship.Jazzercise, 9:30-10:30 a.m., TrinityUnited Methodist Church Mil-ford, $38 per month. 476-7522; Yoga, 9-10:10 a.m., Yogawith Sharon Studio 1, 267 MountHolly Road, Focus on corestrength, flexibility, breathingand relaxation. $6 drop-in or 10classes for $50. Presented byYoga with Sharon. 237-4574.Amelia.SilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.

Farmers MarketBatavia FarmersMarket, 9a.m.-1 p.m., Batavia FarmersMarket, Main and Depot streets,Homegrown produce for sale.Free admission. Presented byBatavia Community Devel-opment Assoc. 876-2418. Batavia.

FestivalsOldWest Festival, 10 a.m.-6p.m., OldWest Festival, 1449Greenbush Cobb Road, Relivedays of WildWest in uniqueentertainment experience.Re-enactments, trick shootingand roping, demonstrations,rides, food and music. Freeparking. Rain or shine. $12, $6ages 6-12; free ages 5 and under.866-937-8337;

Health / WellnessHoxworth Blood Drive, 9 a.m.-4p.m., Emmanuel United Method-ist Church, 4312 Amelia OliveBranch Road, 732-1400;

Music - OldiesElvis, 7-8 p.m., Great Scott Diner,106 E. Main St., Each week, Jo-Elor Jason Griffin take stage asElvis. Free. 943-4637; Amelia.

PetsPet Adoptions, 1-4 p.m., Pepper-mint Pig, 8255 Beechmont Ave.,Cats and dogs available foradoption. 474-0005; AndersonTownship.

Runs / WalksMilford Adventure Challenge,9 a.m., Riverside Park Milford,Water Street, Racers navigatecity with map and set of raceinstructions that lay out race. Onfoot and on bike for certain partsof race. Short water section.$100. Presented by Topo Ad-venture Sports.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 22Art ExhibitsImages of the Past: Visions ofToday, 1-4 p.m., Greater Love-land Historical Society Museum,683-5692; Loveland.

Exercise ClassesSilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.

FestivalsOldWest Festival, 10 a.m.-6p.m., OldWest Festival, $12, $6ages 6-12; free ages 5 and under.866-937-8337;

NatureCamo Hike, 1 p.m., WoodlandMound, 8250 Old Kellogg Road,Seasongood Nature Center. Hikein search of hidden wonders.Free, vehicle permit required.521-7275; Township.

RecreationTennis Classes, 4-5 p.m., MercyHealthPlex Anderson, 7495 StateRoad, Weekly through Oct. 27.Eye-hand coordination, racquetskills, basic strokes and scoring.Indoors. Bring racquet. Also,

Tennis for Intermediates. $69.Registration required. 556-6932; An-derson Township.Car Cruise In, 4-8 p.m., QuakerSteak & Lube, 590 ChamberDrive, For old, restored, highperformance or car with a story.Free. 831-5823;

MONDAY, SEPT. 23Exercise ClassesZumba Fitness Class, 6:30-7:30p.m., Clough United MethodistChurch, $5. 379-4900. AndersonTownship.Jazzercise, 9:30-10:30 a.m., TrinityUnited Methodist Church Mil-ford, $38 per month. 476-7522; KC, 6:30-7:30 p.m.,Bethel Community Center, 135 N.Union St., Zumba fitness andZumba Gold classes. $5. Present-ed by Kimberley “KC” Coniglio.240-5180; Bethel.SilverSneakers, 9:15-10 a.m.,Union Township Civic Center, Callfor pricing. 947-7344. UnionTownship.SilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.SilverSneakers Flex, 2-2:45p.m., Bethel Woods ElderlyComplex, 610 Easter Road, Moveyour whole body through com-plete series of seated and stand-ing yoga poses. Chair supportoffered to safely perform varietyof seated and standing posturesdesigned to increase flexibility,balance and range of movement.Call for pricing. Presented bySilverSneakers Flex. 478-783.Bethel.

RecreationStreet Customs Night CruiseIn, 6-9 p.m., Quaker Steak &Lube, 590 Chamber Drive, Park-ing lot. For imports, customvehicles, rat rods, cruisers, highperformance, Corvettes orMustangs. 831-5823;

TUESDAY, SEPT. 24Drink TastingsTheWines of Horseshoe BendVineyards andWinery, 6:30p.m., 20 Brix, 101Main St., GregKarsner discusses what’s goingon at this Kentucky winery. Foodpairings by Chef Paul. $45.Reservations required. 831-2749;

Exercise ClassesChair Yoga, 9-10:10 a.m., Yogawith Sharon Studio 1, 267 MountHolly Road, Yoga that begins andends in chair. Standing poseswhen applicable. Focus on corestrength, flexibility, breathingand relaxation. $6 drop-in or $50for 10 classes. Presented by Yogawith Sharon. 237-4574. Amelia.SilverSneakers Flex, 9:30-10:13a.m., SummersideWoods, Callfor pricing. 478-6783. Sum-merside.SilverSneakers, 11-11:45 a.m.and 1:30-2:15 p.m., O’BannonTerrace, Call for pricing. 478-6783. Goshen.

Farmers MarketLoveland FarmersMarket, 3-7p.m., Loveland Station, W.Loveland Avenue, E. Broadwayand Second streets, Parking lot.Featuring 32 vendors from areaoffering vegetables, fruits, meat,

eggs, bread, pizza, pastries,cookies, syrup, lavender prod-ucts, soaps, lotions, gourmetfrozen pops, gelato, herbs,alpaca products, hummus,honey, coffee, olive oil andcheese. Free. Presented byLoveland Farmers Market. 683-0150;

Literary - Book ClubsArmchair Travel Book Club,6-7:30 p.m., Union TownshipBranch Library, 4450 Glen Este-Withamsville Road, Free. 528-1744. Union Township.

Literary - LibrariesClassic FilmMatinee, 2-4 p.m.,Union Township Branch Library,4450 Glen Este-WithamsvilleRoad, Free. 528-1744. UnionTownship.

WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25Art & Craft ClassesKnitting, Crochet and Needle-craft Class, 7-8 p.m., MilfordHeights Church of Christ, 1646Ohio 28, Basic handwork tech-niques and fresh ideas in knit-ting, crochet and other handi-crafts along with short devotion-al time. Free. 575-1874.Milford.

Dining EventsWAVE Free Community Din-ner, 6 p.m., Milford First UnitedMethodist Church, 541Main St.,Part of Wednesdays Are VeryExtraordinary event. No churchservice attached, no reservationsneeded. All welcome. Family-friendly meals. Free; donationsaccepted. 831-5500;

EducationJob Readiness withWorkforceOne, 2-4 p.m., Union TownshipBranch Library, 4450 Glen Este-Withamsville Road, Learn aboutvarious components and stagesof job readiness, such as resumewriting, networking and in-terview techniques. For ages 16and up. Free. Registration re-quired. 528-1744. Union Town-ship.

Exercise ClassesZumba Fitness Class, 6:30-7:30p.m., Clough United MethodistChurch, $5. 379-4900. AndersonTownship.Jazzercise, 9:30-10:30 a.m., TrinityUnited Methodist Church Mil-ford, $38 per month. 476-7522; KC, 6:30-7:30 p.m.,Bethel Community Center, $5.240-5180; Bethel.SilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.

Health / WellnessTriHealthWomen’s ServicesVanMammography Screen-ing, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., LovelandFamily Medicine, 411W. Love-land Ave., No. 102, Reservationsrequired. Presented by TriHealthWomen’s Services Van. 569-6565; Loveland.

Music - AcousticKevin Fox, 7-10 p.m., MamaVita’s, 6405 Branch Hill GuineaPike, Free. 324-7643. Loveland.

RecreationLittle Nature Nuts, 10-10:45a.m., Johnson Hills Park, 7950Bridle Road, Theme: Snakes.

Parents participate outdoorswith their children. Ages 2-5. $10,$7 residents. Registration re-quired. Presented by AndersonTownship Park District. 388-4515.Anderson Township.

THURSDAY, SEPT. 26Community DanceBeechmont Squares, 8-10 p.m.,Anderson Senior Center, 7970Beechmont Ave., Western-stylesquare dance club for experi-enced dancers. $5. 929-2427.Anderson Township.

Exercise ClassesZumba Fitness Class, 6:30-7:30p.m., Clough United MethodistChurch, $5. 379-4900. AndersonTownship.Jazzercise, 9:30-10:30 a.m., TrinityUnited Methodist Church Mil-ford, $38 per month. 476-7522;, 9-9:45 a.m.,Union Township Civic Center, Callfor pricing. 947-7344. UnionTownship.Senior Yoga, 12:30-1:15 p.m.,Miami Township Civic Center,Call for price. 478-6783.MiamiTownship.SilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.

NatureAnimal Tales, 11 a.m., WoodlandMound, 8250 Old Kellogg Road,Seasongood Nature Center.Nature-themed stories with thenaturalist. Free, vehicle permitrequired. 521-7275; Anderson Township.

RecreationJeep and Truck Night, 6-9 p.m.,Quaker Steak & Lube, Free.831-5823;

FRIDAY, SEPT. 27Dining EventsFish Fry, 6-7:30 p.m., DennisJohnson VFW Post 6562, $5.50and up. 575-2102.Milford.

Exercise ClassesZumba Fitness Class, 9:30-10:30a.m., Clough United MethodistChurch, $5. 379-4900. AndersonTownship.Jazzercise, 9:30-10:30 a.m., TrinityUnited Methodist Church Mil-ford, $38 per month. 476-7522; Flex, 11:15a.m.-noon, SummersideWoods,Call for pricing. 478-6783. Sum-merside.SilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.Chair/Mat Yoga, 9-10:10 a.m.,Yoga with Sharon Studio 1, $6drop-in or $50 for 10 classes.237-4574. Amelia.

ShoppingJunktique and Antique Sale, 9a.m.-6 p.m., Fraternal Order ofEagles No. 3006, 127 Karl BrownWay, Electronics, furniture,collectibles, antiques, toys, tools,books, seasonal items, and moreavailable. Benefits Children’sMeeting House MontessoriSchool. Free admission. Present-ed by Children’s Meeting HouseMontessori School. 683-4757; Loveland.

SATURDAY, SEPT. 28Art EventsArt Affaire, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.,Promont House Museum, 906Main St., Juried art and finecrafts show featuring more than50 artists, variety of musicalentertainment groups, communi-ty tent and food. Benefits Great-er Milford Area Historical Soci-ety. Free. Presented by GreaterMilford Area Historical Society.248-0324; www.milfordhistory-


Art ExhibitsImages of the Past: Visions ofToday, 1-4 p.m., Greater Love-land Historical Society Museum,683-5692; Loveland.

Exercise ClassesJazzercise, 9:30-10:30 a.m., TrinityUnited Methodist Church Mil-ford, $38 per month. 476-7522; Yoga, 9-10:10 a.m., Yogawith Sharon Studio 1, $6 drop-inor 10 classes for $50. 237-4574.Amelia.SilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.

Farmers MarketBatavia FarmersMarket, 9a.m.-1 p.m., Batavia FarmersMarket, Free admission. 876-2418. Batavia.

FestivalsOldWest Festival, 10 a.m.-6p.m., OldWest Festival, $12, $6ages 6-12; free ages 5 and under.866-937-8337;

Literary - CraftsLEGO Club, 10-11 a.m., UnionTownship Branch Library, 4450Glen Este-Withamsville Road,Attendees ages 5-12 invited toparticipate in themed challengesor build freestyle. Free. Regis-tration required. Through Nov.30. 528-1744. Union Township.

Music - OldiesElvis, 7-8 p.m., Great Scott Diner,Free. 943-4637; Amelia.


Religious - CommunityCommunity Giveaway, 9 a.m.-2p.m., Withamsville Church ofChrist, 846 Ohio Pike, Variety ofgently used items, includingclothing, toys and householdgoods, given away free on firstcome-first serve basis. Donationsnot accepted. Free. 752-9819.Withamsville.

ShoppingJunktique and Antique Sale, 9a.m.-3 p.m., Fraternal Order ofEagles No. 3006, Free admission.683-4757;

SUNDAY, SEPT. 29Art ExhibitsImages of the Past: Visions ofToday, 1-4 p.m., Greater Love-land Historical Society Museum,683-5692; Loveland.

Dining EventsFarm to Fork II: A CelebrationofWomen Farmers, 5-8 p.m.,Grailville Retreat and ProgramCenter, 932 O’Bannonville Road,Celebration of women in agricul-ture and the food they provide.Feast on local food and showsupport for women farmers inTri-state area. $45. Reservationsrequired. 683-2340; Loveland.

Exercise ClassesSilverSneakers, 1:30-2:15 p.m.,O’Bannon Terrace, Call forpricing. 478-6783. Goshen.

FestivalsOldWest Festival, 10 a.m.-6p.m., OldWest Festival, $12, $6ages 6-12; free ages 5 and under.866-937-8337;

RecreationCar Cruise In, 4-8 p.m., QuakerSteak & Lube, Free. 831-5823;


Fire Chief John Cooper, left, watches as BobMezaros puts a fake fire out during last year’s Milford Adventure Challenge. Thisyear’s edition begins at 9 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, at Riverside Park. Racers will navigate the city with map and set of raceinstructions that lay out the race. The entry fee is $100. For more information, visit BLEVINS/THE COMMUNITY PRESS

ABOUT CALENDARTo submit calendar items, go to and click

on “Share!” Send digital photos to [emailprotected] with event information. Items are printed on a space-available basis with local events taking precedence.Deadline is two weeks before publication date. To find more

calendar events, go to and choose from amenu of items in the Entertainment section on the main page.

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For years it was like agray culinary cloud overmy head. I called it piecrust envy. Mymomwas

the first totry toteach meto make aflaky andtender piecrust.“Just don’toverworkthe dough,use a lighthand,” shetold me. At

the time I read some-thing in a cookbook thatsaid “work the short-ening into the flour untilit’s all the size of smallpeas.” So I tried to do justthat. The crust rolled outeasily and I baked what Ithought was the mostbeautiful apple pie in theworld.

I took it to our churchkitchen for bingo and I’llnever forget the look onRuth Haglage’s face asshe tried to cut into thecrust. She sawed andsawed at that crust andfinally broke through. Iwas so embarrassed.Ruth knew I was a novicepie baker and told me notto worry, that the fillingwas delicious and thecrust was OK.

After that disaster,every time I made piecrust by hand I was filledwith anxiety. Then I metPerrin Rountree. Perrinis an Anderson Townshipreader and excellentSouthern cook and baker.She worked with me atmy cooking school atMcAlpin’s. Perrin sharedher recipe for pie crustwith a secret ingredient.That was years ago andthe crust has never letme down. No more piecrust envy!

Perrin Rountree’sno-fail pie crust

You’ll think you’re incooking class with thesedetailed instructions, butthey are worth following.

2 cups all-purpose flour1⁄2 teaspoon baking powder(the secret ingredient)

1⁄4 teaspoon salt1 cup Crisco shortening,chilled (I use Crisco sticks)

1⁄2 cup ice cold water

Whisk together dryingredients. Cut short-ening into 1⁄2-inch pieces.Scatter over flour mix-

ture and, using a fork orpastry blender, cut short-ening into flour untilmixture resemblescoarse crumbs with somelarge pieces remaining(about the size of peas –yes, it will work!). This iswhat will give you flaki-ness. Sprinkle half thecold water over and stirand draw flour with forkfrom bottom to top, dis-tributing water evenly.Add more water untildough is moist enough tohold together when youroll a little bit into a ball.I usually use up all thewater. Divide in half andshape into two balls.Flatten balls into rounddisks. I like to refriger-ate dough anywherefrom 30 minutes to over-night, but that’s not nec-essary. (You can alsofreeze the dough for acouple of months, thaw-ing in refrigerator beforeusing). Roll out on lightlyfloured surface fromcenter out. I sprinkle abit of flour on top of thedough so it doesn’t stickto the rolling pin, or youcan skip flour and roll itout between wax orparchment paper. Rollinto a circle inches widerthan pie plate.

Tip from Rita’skitchen

Yes, you can use thefood processor, too. Justuse the pulse button.

Rita’s pecan pieI use dark corn syrup.

Light corn syrup gives a“softer” flavor. Check outmy blog for chocolatepecan pie.

Crust for one pie3 large eggs, beaten untilfoamy

1 cup sugar2 tablespoons butter,melted

1 cup corn syrup, dark orlight

11⁄2 teaspoons vanilla1 heaping cup pecans,halved or chopped

Preheat oven to 350degrees. Beat eggs, sug-ar, butter, syrup andvanilla well with whisk.Stir in nuts. Pour intocrust. Bake 45-55 min-utes or until toothpickinserted in center comesout fairly clean. Checkafter 45 minutes. Pie willbe puffed and golden andjiggle a bit in the center

but that’s OK. Cool acouple of hours beforeserving.

Can you help?Hotel Sinton’s pea

salad for Jan B. ThisWestern Hills reader saidshe made it a lot andeveryone loved it. Shelost her recipe.

Rita Nader Heikenfeld is anherbalist, educator and au-thor. Find her blog online atCincinnati.Com/blogs. Emailher at [emailprotected] with “Rita’skitchen” in the subject line.Call 513-248-7130, ext. 356.

Rita ushers in baking seasonwith crust, pecan pie recipes

RitaHeikenfeldRITA’S KITCHEN

Rita made her pecan pie using her friend Perrin’s no-fail pie crust.THANKS TO RITA HEIKENFELD.

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Stanley DenhamStanley E. Dehham, 73, died

Sept. 7. He was a plumber.Survived by brother Larry

Denham. Preceded in death byparents Grover, Ollie Denham.

Arrangements by Tufts Schild-meyer Family Funeral Home.Memorials to: New Hope BaptistChurch, 1401 Loveland MadeiraRoad, Loveland, OH 45140.

Anna GrismayerAnna K. Grismayer, 86, Mil-

ford, died Sept. 10.Survived by husband Anton

Grismayer Sr.; sons Klaus (Polly),Anton Jr. (Karen) Grismayer;grandchildren Tasha, Tony.

Services were Sept. 14 at St.Andrew Catholic Church. Ar-rangements by Craver-RiggsFuneral Home. Memorials to:American Diabetes Association,P.O. Box 11454, Alexandria, VA22312.

AndreaMcFarlandAndrea Michelle McFarland,

46, died Sept. 3.Survived by parents Brenda

Bauer, Paul (Kate) Hank; siblingsBrett (Beth Hart) Hank, Lorri(Mike) Chokrach; nephew andniece Andrew O’Brien, Alexis“Beanie” Hank.

Services were Sept. 13 at HayFuneral Home.

Ruth PriceRuth T. Price, 85, Milford, died

Sept. 5.Survived by sons Ron (Leslie),

Larry Price; grandchildren Jason(Amy), Trisha Price. Preceded indeath by husband Robert PriceJr.

Services were Sept. 9 at theFirst Baptist Church of Milford.

Arrangements by Evans FuneralHome. Memorials to: BearingPrecious Seed, 1369 WoodvillePike, Milford, OH 45150.

Edna YoungEdna P. Young, 97, Milford,

died Sept. 9. She was a home-maker.

Survived by daughters KarenBusam, Linda Eckert; grand-children Jeff, Greg, Kevin, AdamBusam, Jennifer McFarland, JulieO’Brien; 15 great-grandchildren.Preceded in death by husbandRoland Young.

Services were Sept. 12 at EvansFuneral Home. Memorials toVitas Hospice.


ABOUT OBITUARIESBasic obituary information and a color photograph of

your loved one is published without charge. Call 248-8600for a submission form. To publish a larger memorial trib-ute, call 242-4000 for pricing details.

Christ CommunityChurch

Cling and Penny Bragg ofInverse Ministries will share theirtestimony of a broken marriagereconciled at 10:30 a.m., Sunday,Sept. 22. After an 11-year divorceand separated by 3,000 miles,the Braggs re-married and nowtravel the U.S. sharing theirstory.

The church is at 1005 Lila Ave.,Milford; 478-7973;

Christ PresbyterianChurch

The annual rummage sale is 9a.m. to 3 p.m., Friday, Sept. 20and 21, at the church. Now thatyou’ve done your fall cleaningand gotten rid of the stuff youno longer use, replace it withstuff you really want and need.Get a new fall wardrobe, deco-rate your home, and find newreading material and much,much more.

The church 5657 PleasantviewDrive Milford; 831-9100;

Epiphany UnitedMethodist Church

Wee Three Kings Preschool, aministry of Epiphany UnitedMethodist Church, still has a few

openings for the upcomingschool year. There are openingsin the 18-24 months class. Par-ent’s Day Out class as well as the4-year-old and PreK afternoonclasses. The purpose is to providea place where children can learnin a loving Christian atmos-phere. For more information,call the Wee Three Kings officeat 683-4256.

A new grief support group ismeeting at 7 p.m. Mondays inMeeting Room1. To be a part ofthis group, call the church office.

The church offers three wor-ship services – two contempo-rary and one traditional. Sat-urday at 5 p.m. and Sunday at 9a.m. are contemporary servicesand Sunday at 10:30 a.m. is atraditional service.

The church is at 6635 Love-land-Miamiville Road, Loveland;677-9866;

Milford First UnitedMethodist Church

WAVE Free CommunityDinners are 6 p.m. Wednesdaysthrough May 14, No churchservice is attached, no reserva-tions are needed and all arewelcome to these family-friendlymeals. The meals are free;donations are accepted. Call831-5500, or visit the churchwebsite for more information

The church is at 541Main St.,Milford; 831-5500.


ABOUT RELIGIONReligion news is published at no charge on a space-

available basis. Items must be to our office no later than 4p.m. Wednesday, for possible consideration in the follow-ing edition.» E-mail announcements to [emailprotected],with “Religion” in the subject line.» Fax to 248-1938. Call 248-8600.»Mail to: Community Press, Attention: Andrea Reeves,Religion news, 394 Wards Corner Road, Suite 170, Love-land, Ohio 45140.

Miller attends YouthNRA summit

Miami Township resi-dentChristianMiller,16, astudent at of CincinnatiHills Christian Academy,was selected as the Ohiorepresentative for theNRA Youth EducationSummit, which beganJune 24.

In order to be selectedhe entered a rigorous ap-plication process whichrequired a high schooltranscript, a resume,three letters of recom-mendation and an essay.Miller enjoyed a seven-day, expense paid trip toWashington, D.C., with 47other sophom*ores and ju-niors from around thecountry.

He and the other YESstudentsenjoyedmany lo-cations ranging from theQuantico Marine CorpsBaseand theNationalMu-seum of theMarine Corpsto the Capitol Buildingand Supreme Court. Stu-dents were able to meetwithofficials togainan in-depth understanding in-cluding U.S. Rep. DuncanHunter (California-R) andNRA President James W.Porter II. These experi-ences helped to teach theYES students about theConstitution and itsBill ofRights as well as the sig-nificance of citizen par-ticipation in the govern-ment.

Miller and his peerswereable tohone their ac-ademic skills through

group debates and indi-vidual speeches whichforced the students to ad-dresscontroversial issuesin today’s political arena.Miller tackled the debateon physician-assisted sui-cide and gave a speech onschool involvement infirearm-related appareland games. These exer-cises, along with studentinvolvement throughouttheweek,were used to ac-cess student ability.$15,000 was then dividedamongst thetopeightYESstudents including Miller,who received $2,000 incollege scholarships.

Miller is involved inthe Royal Rangers, wherehe has earned the highestaward, TheGoldMedal ofAchievement, and holdsthe title ofNational Scout.He also participates inschool plays where he has

held lead roles in the“Count of Monte Cristo”and “Alice in Wonder-land.” Furthermore, he isinvolved in .22 caliber ri-fle shooting at Miami Ri-fle and Pistol Club andshoots trap at the Fair-field Sportsman’s Associ-ation, both competitivelyand recreationally.

Adding to Miller’s in-volvement in communityservice work and activ-ities is his current projectwith various Police De-partments involving theNRA’s Gun-Safety pro-gram, Eddie Eagle. He isalso trying to bring theYES program to the statelevel aswell.He is accept-ing donations to get theprogram up and starting.If anyone is interested incontributing, please con-tact Monica Miller at:[emailprotected].


Miami Township resident Christian Miller, 16, a student atof Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, was selected as theOhio representative for the NRA Youth Education Summit,which began June 24. From left: ake Hart, a chaperone forthe program, Miller, and Peter Lawless, event supportcoordinator, field operations for the NRA. PROVIDED


937 Old State Route 74 (Behind Meijer)513-753-8223

Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 10:30amBible Study: 9:30am & 6:00pm

Youth Groups: 6:00pm (except summer)



Senior Pastor, Rev. Dave Robinette986 Nordyke Road - 45255

(Cherry Grove turn off Beechmontat Beechmont Toyota)

Worship Service, Sunday 10:45 amClasses For All Ages, Sunday 9:15 amPrayer Service Wednesday, 6:45 pm


Saint Peter Church1192 Bethel-New Richmond Rd

New Richmond, Ohio 45157Phone 553-3267

Rev. Michael Leshney, PastorSaturday Mass - 5:00 PM

Sunday Masses – 8:30 &

Saint Mary Church,Bethel3398 Ohio SR 125

Phone 734-4041

Rev. Michael Leshney, PastorSaturday Mass – 5:00 PM

Sunday Mass – 10:30



797-4189Sunday School..............................9:30amSunday Morning Worship............10:30amSunday Evening Worship...............6:30pmWednesday Prayer Service ...........7:00pm


Pastor: Chad Blevins 876-2565Sunday School 9:45amSunday Worship 10:45amSunday Eve. Childrens Mission 6:00pmSunday Eve. Adult Discipleship 6:00pmSunday Eve. Worship 7:00pmWed. Eve. Adult Bible Study 7:00pm

Sunday School 10am; Morning Worship 11am;Sunday Evening Service 6pm;

Wednesday Eve. Prayer Service & Bible Study, 7:00pmReaching the Heart of Clermont County

BATAVIA BAPTIST TEMPLE770 South Riverside, Batavia OH 45103

Raymond D. Jones, Pastor732-2739



Mark Pence, Pastor 513-313-2401SS 9:30AM, Sun Worship 10:45AM

Wed. Prayer Service 7:00PMChildcare Provided for All

Growing in Faith EarlyLearning Center

NOW ENROLLING513-427-4271


Morning Worship 10:45amAWANA Ministry

Wednesday 6:45 - 8:15pmBible Study 7:00 - 8:00pm

Youth grades 6-12 7:00 - 8:00pmNursery provided for all services 752-3521


RIVER OF LIFEAssembly of God

1793 U.S. 52, Moscow, Ohio 451531793 U.S. 52, Moscow, Ohio 45153Pastor: Ralph Ollendick

Sun. Contemporary ServiceSS -9:45am,Worship 11:00amSS -9:45am,Worship 11:00am

Wed.- Informal Biblestudy 7-8pmWed.- Informal Biblestudy 7-8pmCome ExperienceThe Presence of the Lord In Our Services

Services:Sunday Worship 10:30 AM - Children’s Church

Wednesday Worship 7:00 PM - Rangers and Girl’s MinistryFriday 24 hour prayer 6:00 PM

509 Roney LaneCincinnati Ohio 45244

T: 513.528.3200E: [emailprotected]


7515 Forest Road Cincinnati, OH 45255513-231-4172 •

Children’s programs and nursery & toddlercare available at 9:30 and 11:00 services.

Plenty of Parking behind church.

TRADITIONAL WORSHIPSunday 8:30 & 11 am


&1st Saturday of the Month

6 pm

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Summer Worship HoursSaturday: 5:00pm

Sunday: 9:00am and 10:30am


All Saints Lutheran Church445 Craig Road

Mt. Carmel, Ohio 45244513-528-0412

Services Saturday at 5 p.m.Sunday at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Pastor James Dinkel513-528-9142


5910 Price Road,Milford831-3770

Services 9:15 am & 10:45 amNursery provided at all servicesTake I-275 to exit 57 toward Milford, Right on

McClelland, Right on Price, church soon on Right



Sunday 10:30am ... Holy Eucharist10:30am...Sunday School

(Lil’ Samaritans)

Handicap Accessible513-753-4115


GOSHEN CHURCH OF GODReal People...In a Real Church...

Worshipping a Real God!1675 Hillstation Road, Goshen, Ohio 45122722-1699

Pastor Tim McGloneService Schedule

Sunday School 10:00amSunday Worship 10:45am

Sunday Evening Worship 6:00pmWednesday Youth Service 7:00pm

Saturday Service 7:00pmContemporary and Traditional live Worship Music and Multimedia



Williamsburg, Ohio 45176Phone: 513-724-7985

Sunday School: 9:30A.M.Worship:10:30A.M.(SupervisedNursery)

PRESCHOOL: Tues, Weds, Thurs



CHURCHA Loving, Praying, Caring ChurchJoin us for Sunday Services

Sunday School .........9:15 - 10:00amFellowship...............10:00 - 10:30amWorship Service .....10:30 - 11:30am

360 Robin Av (off Oak St) Loveland OH • [emailprotected]


A New Life - A New ProspectiveA New Song

Pastor: Michael Fite info: 753-31593868 McMan Rd., Withamsville, OH 45245

(behind the Water Works car wash)Sunday Worship.

Sunday Morning Service Times are:8:45am, 10:15am & 11:45am

Sunday Night Service Time at 6pm

Youth Service at 6pm (in Youth Center)

Watch LIVE online

Sunday's at 10:15am, 11:45am & 6pm

Life Change TV ProgramEvery Sunday

Cincinnati Fox19 @ 11am

Troy P. Ervin, Pastor4359 E. Bauman Lane | Batavia, OH 45103

Sunday Morning 10:00AMContemporary Worship

Practical MessageClasses for Children & Teens

Nursery Care

Sunday Night Live 6:00PMExciting classes for all ages!

We have many other groupsthat meet on a regular basis

4050 Tollgate Rd,Williamsburg, OH

513-724-3341www.cmcchurch.comMark Otten, Pastor


Trinity United Methodist“Encircling People with God’s Love”

Traditional Worship.......8:15am & 11:00amContemporary Worship..................9:30amSunday School...............................9:30am

Nursery Available5767 Pleasant Hill Rd (next to Milford Jr. High)


Across from Goshen High School513-722-2541

www.goshenmethodist.orgSunday School 9:30am

Worship 10:30amBlended Worship

Traditional and ContemporaryYouth Fellowship 6:00pm

Nursery Available

2010 Wolfangel Rd., Anderson Twp.513-231-4301

Sunday Worship: 9:00 & 11:00 AM withChildrens Church & NurseryPASTOR MARIE SMITH

Blended Worship 8:00 & 10:45 amContemporary Worship 9:30 amSunday School 9:30 & 10:45 am

Nursery Care for Age 3 & underFull Program for Children, Youth,Music, Small Groups & moreHandicapped Accessible

Bill Bowdle -Sr. PastorSteve Fultz - Assoc. Pastor;J. D. Young - Youth Director

Janet Bowdle - Children’s Director


402 W. Plane St.Bethel, Ohio513-734-7201


Milford miami advertiser 091813 - [PDF Document] (13)


Howdy Folks,Tuesday evening the

Bethel Lions Club heldtheir meeting. We gener-ally meet on Monday, butMonday being LaborDay, the club decided tomeet on Tuesday. Theplans for the upcomingpancake breakfast weremade. It will be Oct. 19;also plans to be in theBethel Tate Homecomingparade.

The bass fishing tour-nament that is held onTuesday evening hasbeen good. Last Tuesdaythe catch was again goodwith 40 boats in the con-test. The Shrimp Harveston Sept. 14 and 21, theybegin draining the pondsaround 8:30 or 9 a.m. andby 11: 30 you can see theshrimp being caught.They also have baby pigsand calves for folks tosee while they are wait-ing for the shrimp.

We still have blackraspberry plants to sell.These plants will prob-ably have berries onthem next year, they aregood and healthy.

We attended a funeralvisitation and a funerallast week. One was forCharles Tilbury. He be-longed to the ClermontSportsmen’s Club alongwith me, he was a greatfeller.

The other one was BillReinhert. He drove a

truck forWalmartfor severalyears. Hewas agreat fam-ily man.Some ofhis familygave somewonderfulmemories

of him. There was someserious parts and somehappy thoughts. His wifedrove a school bus forseveral years.

Bill died in his tractor(truck) in the parking lotand they had one of thebig trucks (tractor) thereto lead the funeral pro-cession to the cemetery.There were several menfrom Walmart there withtheir driver shirts on.God Bless the family.

The Monroe Grange ishaving a bake sale at the360 Auction at the cornerof Mount Holly Road andOhio 125 this Fridayevening; the sale startsat 7. The Grange will beset up before the sale.

The Grange will havemore bake sales on Oct.11, Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan.10, Feb. 14, March 14,April 11 and May 9. Thisis one way the Grangewill make money to docommunity services. Thesale is a good one andthey have a good crowd,along with good items to

sell. These folks willmeet you with a bigsmile and hello.

The NortheasternLions Club will have thePumpkin Run at the Cler-mont Fair Grounds inOwensville on Oct. 4, 5,and 6. There will be a bigcrowd, along with lots ofolder cars. They havethis each year. So markyour calendar for thisevent. You will not bedisappointed, there islots of work to get thistogether.

The club is respon-sible for the food at theevent. This is a good useof the Clermont CountyFairgrounds; we hope togo and enjoy the event.The Northeastern Lionsclub does so much forthe community as do allLions Clubs, so if youwould like to be involvedwith this club go to anymember and just say Iwant to join a good or-ganization.

Ruth Ann and I werepicking the cucumbersand bell peppers theother evening. Ruth Annsaw a little rabbit run outof a grassy area andChessy tried to catch it.Ruth Ann hollered atChessy and the littlerabbit went under thebarn floor.

Chessy looked for itfor a little while. Thenshe caught up with us as

we walked to the house.The little rabbit was safeunder the barn floor.

It always amazes mehow the mother rabbitknows where her nest ofbabies are when sheleaves them, but sheknows. I guess that isnature’s way.

Chessy likes to stayoutside at night unless itis raining and storming.Then she will come inthe house and lay onRuth Ann’s lap.

Don’t forget the OldBethel Church here inthe park their homecom-ing is Oct. 6 at 2 p.m. Themusic will be by theKinner Express groupand John Hale will alsobe here to sing. Therewill be cookies and re-freshments on the lawn.So bring your lawnchairs and visit withyour neighbors andfriends there will be agood program.

Start your week bygoing to the church ofyour choice and praisethe Good Lord. God blessall. More later.

George Rooks is a retiredpark ranger. Rooks served for28 years with the last five asmanager of East Fork StatePark.

Bass fishing has been good on lake


PRESIDENTIAL LETTERLily Lykinsreceived a veryspecial letter inthe mail. Shewrote a letterto PresidentBarack Obamaand shereceived aresponse. Shegot a signedpicture and aletter inresponse, ahistory of thepresidency anda sketch of theWhite House.THANKS TO DON


Jacob Benjamin Hoo-kom, of Milford, recentlywas presented with hisEngineer Intern Certifi-cate at a Statehouse cere-mony hosted by the StateBoard of Registration forProfessional Engineers &Surveyors and the OhioSociety of ProfessionalEngineers.

Hookom earned hisbachelor of science de-gree in civil engineeringfrom the University ofCincinnati. He is a fieldengineering technicianfor Thelen Associates,Inc., in Forest Park.

Hookom is a memberof theOhio Society of Pro-fessional Engineers, thestate’s leading organiza-tion advocating for engi-neers.

Ohio Society of Profes-sional Engineers, a stateaffiliate of the NationalSociety of ProfessionalEngineers, was estab-lished in 1878 to promotethe ethical conduct ofpracticing professionalengineers, high standardsfor engineering educa-tion, and to advance pub-lic safety and welfare.

Ohio Society of Profes-sional Engineers repre-sents all disciplines andpractice divisions of theengineering profession.

Jacob Hookom, holds his Ohio Engineer Intern certificate in the place where "Honest Abe"once stood to deliver an address. PROVIDED

Milfordman earnscertificate


Phone 937.444.2493

Dr. C. H. Smith, Pastor

Service Times:8:30 am Early Service10:00 am Sunday School(Streaming Live Online)11:00 am Sunday Service(Streaming Live Online)6:30 pm Evening Service




Miss It!Miss It!Sale features one-of-a-kind fine jewelry treasures from 1900 to the present.

Authentic Victorian, Art Nouveau, Edwardian, Art Deco and Retro pieces will

be available, as well as timeless jewels from the 1950s to today.

Mt. WashingtonMt. WashingtonJewelersJewelers

2107 Beechmont AvenueCincinnati, OH 45230(513) 231-8735

Friday, September 27Friday, September 27from 9 AM - 5:30 PM


Saturday, September 28Saturday, September 28from 9 AM - 3 PM


Milford miami advertiser 091813 - [PDF Document] (14)


The Fraternal Order of Ea-gles Loveland Aerie 3006 host-ed its second annual “Christ-mas in July” to support two ofCincinnati’s finest charitableorganizations.

The all-day event raisedmore than $13,000. Proceedsraised will be donated to theRuth Lyons Children’s Fundand Cincinnati Children’s Hos-pital Medical Center. The clubalso collected more than 100new, unwrapped toys for theChild Life Activity Center atCincinnati Children’s HospitalMedical Center.

The day began with break-fast and a poker/toy run by theEagle Riders, and was followedby live music, raffles and food.The “Santa Band” played at3:30, followed by a visit from

Santa andMrs. Claus, who gaveall children in attendance anearly Christmas gift.

CCHMC’s Champions fam-ily, the Chesnuts from Milford,paid an afternoon visit withNo-ra and Katie. Even before NoraChesnut was born, her parentsknew there was somethingwrong. Emily Chestnut wascarrying twins, and at her 20-week ultrasound, doctors dis-covered one twin had a heartdefect.

TheChesnuts learned todealwith that. It was fixable. But atbirth, they learned somethingelse:Nora, the twinwhohad theheart defect, also had Downsyndrome. Katie, the othertwin, had no complications.

“Getting the diagnosis of achild with Down’s syndrome is

life-changing,” Emily Chesnutsays. In some ways, it has beena blessing. It has changed herperspective on life, parenthoodand what it means to be a fam-ily.

This event signifieswhat theFraternal Order of Eagles is allabout. The club’s motto is “Peo-ple Helping People” and thatwas quite evident throughoutthe day.

“It takes a group effort tohost an event of this nature, andwe want to thank our Eaglemembers, as well as local busi-nesses and the public for sup-porting the club,” event orga-nizer Lori Murphy said.

The FOE Loveland 3006 is at127 Karl Brown Way, and wel-comes new member applica-tions.

‘Christmas in July’ raisesfunds for childrens charities

Members of the "Santa Band" play at Loveland Eagles' Christmas in July. PROVIDED

Some of the raffle prizes donated by local businesses at LovelandEagles' Christmas in July. PROVIDED

Loveland Eagles Christmas in July publicity chairperson Margie Hominy,road captain Dan Shelley, event chairperson Lori Murphy and Eaglerider Gary Stouder. PROVIDED

Santa and Mrs. Claus (Knox and Chris Smith) make an appearnace atLoveland Eagles' Christmas in July event. PROVIDED

Milford miami advertiser 091813 - [PDF Document] (15)


GOSHEN TOWNSHIPArrests/citationsBrian Cansler, 20, 6066 Deerfield,underage consumption.Katherine Deel, 20, 1055 Ohio131, underage consumption.Maddison Rogers, 21, 3080Hampton Court, marijuanapossession, drug paraphernalia.Juvenile, 16, assault, marijuanapossession, drugs, parapherna-lia, resisting arrest.Timothy Brewer, 19, 184 BruceCourt, marijuana possession,paraphernalia, resisting arrest,underage consumption, drugpossession.Charles Eckman, 36, 104 JulieLane, disorderly conduct,bribery.Bradley Shaver, 28, 384 Redbird,domestic violence.Two Juveniles, 17, underageconsumption.

Incidents/investigationsAssaultAt 184 Bruce Court, Aug. 25.Breaking and enteringAt 1922 Woodville Pike, Aug. 25.BurglaryAt 1534 Red Oak, Aug. 29.DisorderAt 1500 block of Woodville Pike,Aug. 25.At 1889 Main St. No. 3, Aug. 25.At 6707 Goshen Road, Aug. 30.DisputeAt 1854 Main St., Aug. 27.At 1785 Ohio 28 No. 29A, Aug.27.Domestic violenceAt Julie Lane, Aug. 28.At Redbird, Aug. 30.At Woodville Pike, Aug. 30.Misuse of credit cardsAt 6888 Clubside Drive, Aug. 28.TheftAt 6692 Goshen Road, Aug. 25.At 1504 Rolling Knoll, Aug. 26.At 1785 Ohio 28, Aug. 26.

MIAMI TOWNSHIPArrests/citationsJeremiah J. Walter, 35, 2273Hulington, drug instrument,Aug. 26.Juvenile, 16, unruly, Aug. 26.Joseph M. Burbee, 19, 1501Bellwood, drug abuse, para-phernalia, Aug. 28.Maureen L. Amburgey, 32, 6357Pawnee Ridge, domestic vio-lence, Aug. 28.James Brandstutter, 23, 969 Ohio28 No. 72, drug paraphernalia,Aug. 29.Marcus A. Schmidt, 23, 5391Hutchinson-Newtonsville Road,drug possession, paraphernalia,Aug. 29.Stephanie A. Morrett, 29, 7619Newkirk Drive, open container,drug paraphernalia, Aug. 30.

Incidents/investigationsBreaking and enteringCoins taken from GQ CoinLaundry; $250 at Ohio 131, Aug.27.BurglaryShotgun taken; $500 at 981Caribou Run, Aug. 27.Leaf blower taken; $260 at 6460Wardwood Court, Aug. 29.Criminal damageMailbox and post damaged at6216 Whileaway Drive, Aug. 26.Domestic violenceAt Pawnee Ridge, Aug. 28.ForgeryCheck taken and forged; $950 at10435 Murdock Goshen Road,

Aug. 27.TheftCanoe and paddles taken atVillage Grocery at Loveland-Miamiville Road, Aug. 26.2004 Ford truck taken; $12,000at 1408 Windstar Court, Aug.27.Head/phalange taken fromvessel at Odom Industries;$5,000 at Ohio 50, Aug. 27.Two checks taken at 783 WardsCorner, Aug. 27.I-pod, wallet, left at Circle K,were taken at Ohio 28, Aug. 27.Two laptops, etc. taken; $1,500at 2002 Stillwater No. 3, Aug.27.Coins taken from vehicle at 6005Meijer Drive, Aug. 29.Male reported Internet scam at3 Oak Vista, Aug. 29.Checkbook taken from purse atArbors at Meadowcreek Drive,Aug. 29.Cash taken; $600 at 18 MeadowDrive, Aug. 28.

MILFORDArrests/citationsCandace M. Hamilton, 43, 506Main St., warrant, Aug. 31.Keon P. Zafr, 19, 5838 ShadyMist, contempt of court, Aug.31.Oliver W. Young III, 44, 29 ParkAve., theft, Sept. 1.Lonnie J. McKinney Jr., 33, 918W. Liberty, contempt of court,Sept. 1.Charles Hutchinson, 27, 5856Highview, drug abuse, para-phernalia, Sept. 1.Nicholas D. Estill, 24, 101 Edge-combe, contempt of court,Sept. 2.Juvenile, 17, theft, Sept. 4.Kasandra L. Walker, 19, 645Lewis Ave., theft, Sept. 4.Jeremy S. Allen, 25, 101 Elm St.,theft, Sept. 5.Christina Ahrman, 32, 513 MainSt., warrant, Sept. 6.

Incidents/investigationsChild endangeringChild injured at day care atJellybean Junction at 820 Ohio50, Aug. 31.Criminal damageVasoline put all over vehicle at34 Concord Woods, Sept. 1.Domestic disputedAt Happy Hollow, Sept. 5.TheftShoplifter reported at Walmartat 201 Chamber Drive, Aug. 31.Gasoline not paid for at UnitedDairy Farmers; $98.51 at 100Chamber Drive, Aug. 31.Wire taken at 3000 Water St.,Sept. 2.Gasoline not paid for at UnitedDairy Farmers at 100 ChamberDrive, Sept. 2.Two wood pallets taken at 313Polk St., Sept. 3.Two shoplifters reported atWalmart at 201 Chamber Drive,Sept. 4.

CLERMONT COUNTYSHERIFF’S OFFICEArrests/citationsAlexsis Eryn Sexton, 19, ClermontCounty Jail, endangeringchildren - torture/cruelly abuse,Sept. 3.Arlene Bernadette Billow, 36,2191Ohio 125 Lot 193, Amelia,receiving stolen property, Sept.4.Jodi J Christman, 40, 120 N. High

St., Mount Orab, tampering w/records, theft, Sept. 6.JohnWayne Blair, 34, 2591Gaylord Ave., Bethel, theft,Sept. 7.Robert Meade, 29, 3541 FranklinRoad, Felicity, receiving stolenproperty, Sept. 4.Kyle Stephan Ruh, 23, 6600 Ohio727, Pleasant Plain, theft Sept.3.Juvenile, 13, Amelia, theft, Sept.3.Juvenile, 13, Amelia, theft, Sept.3.Sarah Spilker, 28, 1877 BainumRoad, New Richmond, receivingstolen property, Sept. 4.Michael Brandon Neal, 29, 2730Ohio 222 Lot 20, Bethel, falsifi-cation - public official, mislead,endangering children, Sept. 3.Jamie Marie Clements, 24, 2730Ohio 222, Bethel, obstructingofficial business, Sept. 3.Peggy Ann Gardner, 40, 3212Ohio 756 Lot 16, Felicity, bur-glary, theft, Sept. 7.Juvenile, 16, Amelia, assault,Sept. 3.Ronald Eugene Brock, 24, 716Mulberry St., Felicity, fugitivefrom justice, Sept. 2.Gary Lee Reynolds, 49, 110 BerryPatch, Amelia, fugitive fromjustice, Sept. 3.Juvenile, 13, Bethel, domesticviolence, Sept. 3.Juvenile, 13, Bethel, domesticviolence - cause belief of immi-nent physical harm by threat orforce, Sept. 3.Juvenile, 13, Amelia, possessionof drugs - marijuana, Sept. 2.Michelle Smith, 52, 5147 Mon-terey Maple Grove Road,Batavia, assault, Sept. 3.Travis Eugene Hand, 40, 2392Ohio 131, Goshen, fugitive fromjustice, Sept. 3.Matthew Kauffman Ogletree,31, 370 North Broadway, Bata-via, misuse of credit card, Sept.3.Rashon Lael Cheatham, 26, 4290Marbe Lane, Batavia, obstruct-ing official business, resistingarrest, Sept. 3.James Lee Reed, 30, 3527 Ohio132, Amelia, criminal damag-ing/endangering, Sept. 3.Ricky Williamson, 40, 2843 Ohio132, New Richmond, violateprotection order or consentagreement, Sept. 3.Jeremy MorganWhite, 20, 1393Random Hill Road, Cincinnati,fugitive from justice, Sept. 3.Juvenile, 12, Amelia, criminaldamaging/endangering, Sept.4.Jessica Blair Barton, 27, 3 Vicks-burg Drive, West Chester,resisting arrest, attempt - usefor orc arrest offense code only,Sept. 3.Kenneth A. (Mio) Steward, 29,161Hudson Ave., Williamsburg,

telecommunications harass-ment - call w/ purpose to abuse,threaten, annoy, Sept. 3.Peter Carlier, 50, 284 E. Main St.,Owensville, illegal manufactureof drugs or cultivation ofmarijuana, Sept. 4.AdamMichael Hale, 24, 2264Bethel New Richmond Road,Bethel, drug paraphernalia,possessing drug abuse in-struments, Sept. 5.William Paul Pence, 57, 32Hitchco*ck Lane, Amelia, drugparaphernalia, possession ofdrugs, Sept. 5.Rhonda Lynn Pence, 31, 32Hitchco*ck Lane, Amelia, drugparaphernalia, possessing drugabuse instruments, possessionof drugs, Sept. 5.Edward Nmn Powers, 33, 330Green Street, Chilo, misuse ofcredit card - use expired, re-voked, etc., Sept. 6.Megan Marie Jones, 20, 447Robinette Road, West Union,possessing drug abuse in-struments, possession of drugs -heroin, Sept. 6.Jennifer Marie Heuser, 21, 47Northbay Court, Batavia, pos-session of drugs, Sept. 7.Robert James Dale, 20, 961OldU.S. Hwy. 52, New Richmond,drug paraphernalia, possessionof drugs, Sept. 7.Shannon Lee Henson, 32, 511East Main Street, Mount Orab,resisting arrest - resist or in-terfere, theft, Sept. 7.Lori Anne Vauter, 49, 3284Lunsford Drive, Amelia, ob-structing official business,resisting arrest, Sept. 7.William Paul Pence, 57, 32Hitchco*ck Lane, Amelia, domes-tic violence - knowingly causephysical harm, Sept. 8.Juvenile, 17, Fayetteville, of-fenses involving underagepersons - underage consumebeer intoxicating liquor, Sept. 8.Juvenile, 16, Blanchester, of-fenses involving underagepersons - underage consumebeer intoxicating liquor, Sept. 8.Juvenile, 17, Fayetteville, of-fenses involving underagepersons - underage consumebeer intoxicating liquor, Sept. 8.Juvenile, 15, Fayetteville, of-fenses involving underagepersons - underage consumebeer intoxicating liquor, Sept. 8.Juvenile, 15, Goshen, offensesinvolving underage persons -underage consume beer intoxi-cating liquor, Sept. 8.Jason Edward Tenbrink, 40, 5531Old Blue Rock Road, Cincinnati,burglary, Sept. 8.Thomas A. Wethington, 26, 4632Eddy Drive, Cincinnati, criminaltrespass, Sept. 8.Cheri AnnWalton, 38, 1244 EastGlenwood Court, Amelia,domestic violence - knowingly

cause physical harm, Sept. 8.

Incidents/investigationsAssaultAt Ohio 125 and Bach Buxton,Amelia, May 2.At 1351 Clough Pike, Batavia,Aug. 30.At 2755 Ohio 132, New Rich-mond, Sept. 3.At 2780 Lindale Mount HollyRoad, Amelia, Sept. 8.At 5 Montgomery Way, Amelia,Sept. 8.At 500 University Lane, Batavia,Sept. 5.At 6057 Belfast Road, Batavia,Sept. 3.Breaking and enteringAt 2257 Ohio 232, New Rich-mond, Sept. 5.At 1300 Ohio 125, Amelia, Sept.6.At 2210 Berry Road, Amelia,Sept. 6.At 4248 Ohio 743, Moscow,Sept. 8.At 6734 Taylor Pike, Blanchester,Sept. 8.BurglaryAt 127 East St., Georgetown,Sept. 6.At 1772 Clough Pike, Batavia,Sept. 2.At 2755 Ohio 132, New Rich-mond, Sept. 6.At 3212 Ohio 756, Felicity, Aug.29.At 3307 Bethel Concord Road,Bethel, Sept. 8.At 366 Seneca Drive, Batavia,Sept. 2.At 3919 Little Creek Drive,Amelia, Sept. 7.At 4341McKeever Road, Wil-liamsburg, Sept. 8.At 7 Montgomery Way, Amelia,Sept. 5.Criminaldamaging/endangeringAt 2257 Ohio 232, New Rich-mond, Sept. 5.At 1000 Elm St., Felicity, Sept. 7.At 1214 Saddletop Ridge, Bata-via, Sept. 8.At 1790 Swope Road, Bethel,Sept. 3.At 213 Holly Lane, Bethel, Sept.3.At 2242 Hwy. 50, Batavia, Sept.4.At 231 East Fork Crossing, Bata-via, Sept. 4.At 2429 Ohio 133, Bethel, Sept.5.At 2755 Ohio 132, New Rich-mond, Sept. 5.At 2755 Ohio 132, New Rich-mond, Sept. 6.At 2755 Ohio 132, New Rich-mond, Sept. 8.At 2780 Lindale Mount HollyRoad, Amelia, Sept. 3.At 3000 Hospital Drive, Batavia,Sept. 3.At 3880 Jefferson Lane, Amelia,Sept. 2.At 6734 Taylor Pike, Blanchester,Sept. 8.Criminal mischiefAt 1351 Clough Pike, Batavia,Sept. 4.At 1573 Ohio 222, Bethel, Sept.2.Criminal trespassAt 3465 Ohio 774, Bethel, Sept.4.At 3354 Huntsmans Trace,Amelia, Sept. 4.At 4307 Gary Lane, Batavia,Sept. 5.At 5004 Bowling Lane, Felicity,Sept. 6.At 600 University Lane, Batavia,Sept. 8.

Disseminatematter harmfulto juvenilesAt Bethel Hygiene Road, Bethel,Sept. 6.Domestic violence - causebelief of imminent physicalharm by threat or forceAt Ohio 132, Amelia, Sept. 5.At N. Campbell Road, Bethel,Sept. 2.Domestic violence -knowingly cause physicalharmAt Glenwood Court, Amelia,Sept. 8.At 32 Hitchco*ck Lane, Amelia,Sept. 8.Domestic violenceAt N. Campbell Road, Bethel,Sept. 2.At Foxdale Court, Amelia, Sept.6.At Shannon Court, Batavia, Sept.3.Drug paraphernaliaAt 1788 Ohio 125, Amelia, Sept.7.At 32 Hitchco*ck Lane, Amelia,Sept. 5.At 3790 Hwy. 50, Williamsburg,Sept. 5.At U.S. 52 at Ohio 132, NewRichmond, Sept. 5.Endangering children -torture/cruelly abuseAt Ohio 125 and Bach Buxton,Amelia, May 2.Endangering childrenAt 18 Woodruff Lane, Amelia,Aug. 26.Failure to confine a canineAt 1605 Stonelick Woods Court,Batavia, Sept. 4.At 4244 Muscovy Lane, Batavia,Sept. 3.FalsificationAt 18 Woodruff Lane, Amelia,Aug. 26.Felonious assaultAt Ohio 125 and Bach Buxton,Amelia, May 2.ForgeryAt 415 Washington St., Felicity,Sept. 5.At 6428 Taylor Pike, Goshen,Aug. 19.Fugitive from justiceAt 4430 Ohio 222, Batavia, Sept.3.At 4700 E. Filager Road, Batavia,Sept. 3.At 4700 Filager Road, Batavia,Sept. 2.At 4700 Filager Road, Batavia,Sept. 2.At 4700 Filager Road, Batavia,Sept. 3.Identity fraudAt 2251Ohio 222, New Rich-mond, Sept. 7.At 2794 Lindale Mount HollyRoad, Amelia, Sept. 3.At 2960 Quitter Road, Williams-burg, Sept. 5.At 4440 Walnut Crossing, Bata-via, Sept. 6.Illegal conveyance of drugsof abuse - detentionmentalhealth facilityAt 6057 Belfast Road, Batavia,Sept. 3.Illegal manufacture of drugsor cultivation of marijuanaAt 284 E. Main St., Owensville,Sept. 4.MenacingAt 3354 Huntsmans Trace,Amelia, Sept. 4.Misuse of credit card - useexpired, revoked, etc.At 127 East St., Georgetown,Sept. 6.Misuse of credit card


ABOUT POLICE REPORTSThe Community Journal North/Milford-Miami Advertiser

publishes the names of all adults charged with offenses.The information is a matter of public record and does notimply guilt or innocence. To contact your local police de-partment, call:»Miami Township, Chief Steven Bailey, 248-3721» Goshen Township, Chief Ray Snyder, 722-3200»Milford, Chief Jamey Mills, 248-5084» Clermont County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff A.J. “Tim”Rodenberg, 732-7500

See POLICE, Page B8


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Candidates nightAll candidates running

for Miami Township trus-tee, Milford City Counciland Milford school boardare invited to participatein a candidate’s forum.This will be a town meet-ing format.

The public is welcomeand will be encouraged toask questions.

For more informationcall 831-2411 or email [emailprotected]

Miami Township trus-tee candidates are sched-uled for 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, Sept. 24, at theMiami Township CivicCenter, 6101MeijerDrive.

Milford City Counciland Milford ExemptedSchool Board candidatesare scheduled for 6 to 9:15p.m.Thursday, Sept. 26, atPattisonElementary, 5330S. Milford Road.

Are you a candidatefor public office thisfall?

If you’d like to be in-cluded in the Enquirer’sonline election guide,please email your name,office sought, and emailaddress toLanceLambertat llambert@enquir- or Government/Public Affairs Editor CarlWeiser at [emailprotected].

Car showFriends of East Fork

Car Show is Saturday,Sept. 21, at East ForkCampgroundLoopC, 2837Old state Route 32, Bata-

via. Rain date is Sept. 28.Registration is 10 a.m.

to noon. Judging starts atnoon. Trophies are award-edat4p.m.Registration is$10 per entry.

All proceeds to to theFriends ofEastForkStatePark, a non-profit organi-zation dedicated to helpthe park.


Clermont County real estatetransfer information is provid-ed as a public service by theoffice of Clermont CountyAuditor Linda L. Fraley.

GOSHEN TOWNSHIP6836 Ohio 48, Craig & CarolynIngstrup to Andrew & BrittneyFrietch, 8.0040 acre, $410,000.1871 Parker Road, Daniel &Delores Hall, et al. to Bank ofNew York Mellon, 3.3260 acre,$50,000.1509 Rolling Knoll Drive, Terry &Nancy Coughlin to Lynsey &David Watkins II, 0.3400 acre,$119,000.1645 Woodville Pike, Estate ofEvelyn Spaulding, et al. toRobert Ruffner, trustee, 0.5880acre, $10,500.

JACKSON TOWNSHIP4695 Ohio 133, Adriana & Greg-ory Cunningham II, et al. toVictor Holdings Limited, 5.0100acre, $40,100.3729 U.S. Route 50, ThomasQueen III, et al. to Bank ofAmerica NA, 5.1400 acre,$100,000.

MIAMI TOWNSHIP6101 Brooktree Court, Unit 301,Wendee & Clarence Dawes toKarol & Jeffrey Morrow,$114,500.1738 Cottontail Drive, DavidConnerth to Allison & Christo-pher Barnes, 1.0200 acre,$348,000.

6249 Davon Court, Steven &Barbara Bitzer to Anthony &Marianne Beardmore, 1.6400acre, $490,000.1120 Deerhaven Court, Shannon& Dennis Deidesheimer toAdam & Zoee Rottenberg,0.4660 acre, $180,500.5454 Hillside Terrace, EdgardJack Handel, et al. to JamesLadrigan, 0.4590 acre, $73,000.1290 Michael Lane, MarlenaHendrigsman, et al. to FederalNational Mortgage Assoc.,0.4590 acre, $115,675.947 Palomar Drive, Andrew &Brittney Frietch to Daniel &Kristen Litman, 0.3440 acre,$280,000.970 Palomar Drive, Toni Hoelketo Aurea Peschiera, 0.5430 acre,$305,000.940 Saffron Lane, RebeccaAdleta to Michael McVicker,0.1700 acre, $184,000.1197 Sovereign Drive, BarbaraMcIntosh to Susan & CharlesCline Jr., 0.5410 acre, $212,000.596 Three Chimneys Lane,Nasser Fredj & Sonia Rahman,trustees to Melaleuca Inc.,0.4110 acre, $365,333.723 Ward Corner Road, RoseRidener to Diana Rooks, 0.4800acre, $92,900.6365 Waverly Hill Lane, James &Susan Koors to Tyson Neal,0.7300 acre, $312,000.6319 Weber Woods Court,Richard & Bobbie Huffman toSteven & Barbara Bitzer, 0.4610acre, $315,000.

5683 Wittmer Estates Drive,Conrad Meadows LLC to NVRInc., 0.5758 acre, $46,500.

MILFORD301 Fencerail Way Unit E, AmyReger to Gil Guntzelman,$103,000.680 Tyler Ave., Anne Quadrano,trustee to Cherie Leibson,0.2690 acre, $123,200.

STONELICK TOWNSHIP2143 Cedarville Road, Shape UpProperties LLC to Dustin &Peggy Goodman, 0.6600 acre,$118,000.5470 Mount Zion Road, JerryKuntz to Grant & Patrice Toney,$140,000.2551U.S. Highway 50, SandraPendergrass, et al. to FederalHome Loan Mortgage Corp.,0.8300 acre, $40,000.

WAYNE TOWNSHIP6646 Edenton Pleasant PlainRoad, David & Lisa Tudor toDavid Lonneman, 1.3400 acre,$180,500.6866 Johnson Road, Alice John-son to Fifth Third Bank, 5.2750acre, $66,666.67.6339 Marathon Edenton Road,Sheila & Charles Newberry Jr. toDonald & Sharon Lanham,1.0000 acre, $8,721.2550 Presley Lane, Mike &Connie Rigney to Gary Green,0.7900 acre, $8,000.


At 4440 Walnut Crossing, Bata-via, Sept. 6.At 458 Shannon Court, Batavia,Sept. 3.At 6428 Taylor Pike, Goshen,

Aug. 19.Obstructing official businessAt 18 Woodruff Lane, Amelia,Aug. 26.At 3284 Lunsford Road, Amelia,Sept. 7.At 4290 Marbe Lane, Batavia,Sept. 3.Offenses involving underagepersons - underage consumebeer intoxicating liquorAt 3570 Graham Road, Fayette-ville, Sept. 8.Possessing drug abuseinstrumentsAt 2956 Hwy. 50, Batavia, Sept.6.At 32 Hitchco*ck Lane, Amelia,Sept. 5.At U.S. 52 at Ohio 132, NewRichmond, Sept. 5.Possession of drugs - heroinAt 2956 Hwy. 50, Batavia, Sept.6.Possession of drugs -marijuanaAt 2179 Ohio Pike, Amelia, Sept.3.Possession of drugsAt 1788 Ohio 125, Amelia, Sept.7.At 32 Hitchco*ck Lane, Amelia,

Sept. 5.At 3790 Hwy. 50, Williamsburg,Sept. 5.At 6057 Belfast Road, Batavia,Sept. 3.RapeAt Brookside Drive, Batavia,Sept. 5.At Ohio 727, Goshen, Sept. 5.Receiving stolen propertyAt 1877 Bainum Road, NewRichmond, Aug. 24.At 2191Ohio Pike, Amelia, June2.At 323 Coffee St., Felicity, Aug.10.At 3305 Ohio 743, Moscow,Sept. 5.At 57 Shady Lane, Amelia, Sept.4.Resisting arrest - resist orinterfereAt 2199 Winemiller Lane, Bata-via, Sept. 7.Resisting arrestAt 3284 Lunsford Road, Amelia,Sept. 7.At 4290 Marbe Lane, Batavia,Sept. 3.At 6057 Belfast Road, Batavia,Sept. 3.


Continued from Page B7

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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Views: 6034

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.