Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



49 49

"Elijah E. Cummings Room" Dedication Ceremony : CSPAN : March 7, 2020 10:13pm-10:50pm EST

Mar 8, 2020 03/20



Leaders of the House of Representatives participated in the dedication ceremony of the Oversight and Reform Committee's hearing room as the "Elijah E. Cummings Room," in honor of the late committee chair who passed away in October 2019. Mr. Cummings represented Maryland's 7th Congressional District from 1996 to 2019 and served as the top Democrat on the Oversight Committee from 2011 to 2019. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Majority Whip Jim...
Topics: elijah, elijah cummings, baltimore, hoyer, pelosi, angels, nancy pelosi, clyburn, maloney,...
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

"Salute to America " 4th of July Celebration at the White House : CSPAN : July 4, 2020 6:44pm-8:01pm EDT

Jul 4, 2020 07/20



[LIVE] President Trump and first lady Melania Trump participate in the "Salute to America" 4th of July celebration at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: vietnam, europe, korea, boeing, pacific, china, white house, pearl harbor, germany, navy, trump
Source: Comcast Cable


687 687

"Salute to America " 4th of July Celebration at the White House : CSPAN : July 5, 2020 2:18am-2:56am EDT

Jul 5, 2020 07/20



President Trump and first lady Melania Trump participate in the "Salute to America" 4th of July celebration at the White House. Sponsor: White House
Topics: trump, white house
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

"Salute to America" 4th of July Celebration at the White House : CSPAN : July 4, 2020 9:49pm-11:11pm EDT

Jul 5, 2020 07/20



President Trump and first lady Melania Trump participated in the "Salute to America" 4th of July celebration at the White House. While the president spoke of the great victories of the past, he got somewhat political, alluding to recent events in the country, saying "we are now in the process of defeating the radical left." President Trump also took a moment to address the press, saying they "label their opponents as racists, who condemn patriotic citizens, " and...
Topics: korea, europe, trump, washington, china, vietnam, boeing, pacific, david, white house, orville,...
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

"Salute to America" 4th of July Celebration at the White House : CSPAN : July 5, 2020 5:39am-7:00am EDT

Jul 5, 2020 07/20



President Trump and first lady Melania Trump participated in the "Salute to America" 4th of July celebration at the White House. While the president spoke of the great victories of the past, he got somewhat political, alluding to recent events in the country, saying "we are now in the process of defeating the radical left." President Trump also took a moment to address the press, saying they "label their opponents as racists, who condemn patriotic citizens, " and...
Topics: korea, europe, trump, china, vietnam, boeing, pacific, david, white house, orville, frederick...
Source: Comcast Cable


62 62

Jul 14, 2020 07/20



[LIVE] The House Appropriations Committee debates 2021 spending levels for the Defense, Commerce, Justice and Transportation Departments as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Sponsor: House Appropriations Committee
Topics: maryland, iraq, granger, california, iran, florida, harris, mexico, dod, isis, trump, calvert, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Jul 14, 2020 07/20



[LIVE] The House Appropriations Committee debates 2021 spending levels for the Defense, Commerce, Justice and Transportation Departments as well as the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Sponsor: House Appropriations Committee
Topics: lowey, serrano, florida, iran, aderholt, california, nasa, mr. rutherford, granger, trump, cdc,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

'New York City Mayor De Blasio News Conference : CSPAN : June 8, 2020 11:24pm-12:08am EDT

Jun 9, 2020 06/20



New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) held a news conference in Brooklyn on the coronavirus pandemic and the protests over the death of George Floyd in the custody of the Minneapolis Police Department. The mayor announced that New York City would be entering phase one of its reopening plan that day, coinciding with the 100th day since the start of the coronavirus outbreak in the city. Mayor De Blasio also fielded questions on the city's response to the widespread protests as well as his...
Topics: de blasio, mta, new york city, staten island, brooklyn navy, new yorkers, manhattan, brooklyn, new...
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

'New York City Mayor De Blasio News Conference : CSPAN : June 8, 2020 5:04pm-5:49pm EDT

Jun 8, 2020 06/20



New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) held a news conference in Brooklyn on the coronavirus pandemic and the protests over the death of George Floyd in the custody of the Minneapolis Police Department. The mayor announced that New York City would be entering phase one of its reopening plan that day, coinciding with the 100th day since the start of the coronavirus outbreak in the city. Mayor De Blasio also fielded questions on the city's response to the widespread protests as well as his...
Topics: de blasio, new yorkers, new york city, staten island, mta, brooklyn, new york, brooklyn navy,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

'New York City Mayor De Blasio News Conference : CSPAN : June 9, 2020 5:16am-6:01am EDT

Jun 9, 2020 06/20



New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) held a news conference in Brooklyn on the coronavirus pandemic and the protests over the death of George Floyd in the custody of the Minneapolis Police Department. The mayor announced that New York City would be entering phase one of its reopening plan that day, coinciding with the 100th day since the start of the coronavirus outbreak in the city. Mayor De Blasio also fielded questions on the city's response to the widespread protests as well as his...
Topics: de blasio, new yorkers, new york city, mta, staten island, brooklyn, minnesota, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


57 57

10th Anniversary of Citizens United v. FEC Case : CSPAN : January 18, 2020 5:47am-7:00am EST

Jan 18, 2020 01/20



House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD) participated in a roundtable discussion ahead of the 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC. The 5-4 ruling allowed for unlimited spending on political campaigns by outside groups. Other speakers at this event included End Citizens United Action Fund President Tiffany Muller along with several NAACP chapter presidents. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives | Office of the Majority Leader
Topics: maryland, hoyer, sarbanes, naacp, washington, john sarbanes, hyattsville, mcconnell, tiffany,...
Source: Comcast Cable


30 30

10th Anniversary of Citizens United v. FEC Case : CSPAN : January 20, 2020 3:15am-4:28am EST

Jan 20, 2020 01/20



House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) and Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD) participated in a roundtable discussion ahead of the 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United v. FEC. The 5-4 ruling allowed for unlimited spending on political campaigns by outside groups. Other speakers at this event included End Citizens United Action Fund President Tiffany Muller along with several NAACP chapter presidents. Sponsor: U.S. House of Representatives | Office of the Majority Leader
Topics: maryland, hoyer, sarbanes, naacp, washington, mcconnell, john sarbanes, hyattsville, emily, george,...
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

2005 White House Correspondents' Dinner - Laura Bush : CSPAN : April 25, 2020 9:30pm-9:43pm EDT

Apr 26, 2020 04/20



At the 2005 White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner, First Lady Laura Bush surprised the audience by interrupting the president's speech to give her own remarks. Sponsor: White House,White House Correspondents' Association
Topics: george, cheney, white house, kennebunkport, mrs. bush, lynne cheney
Source: Comcast Cable


23 23

2005 White House Correspondents' Dinner - Laura Bush : CSPAN : April 26, 2020 3:48am-4:01am EDT

Apr 26, 2020 04/20



At the 2005 White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner, First Lady Laura Bush surprised the audience by interrupting the president's speech to give her own remarks. Sponsor: White House,White House Correspondents' Association
Topics: george, kennebunkport, cheney, washington, lynne cheney, mrs. bush, white house
Source: Comcast Cable


32 32

2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner - President Obama : CSPAN : April 26, 2020 3:07am-3:28am EDT

Apr 26, 2020 04/20



At the 2011 White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner, President Obama made remarks and spent some of the time making jokes about Donald Trump, who attended the dinner that year. Sponsor: White House Correspondents' Association
Topics: obama, michelle, donald trump, white house, seth meyers, matt damon, alabama, joe biden
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner - Seth Meyers : CSPAN : April 25, 2020 9:09pm-9:31pm EDT

Apr 26, 2020 04/20



Comedian Seth Meyers spoke at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner, the same year President Barack Obama released his long-form birth certificate, and Donald Trump was an attendee at the dinner. Sponsor: White House Correspondents' Association
Topics: joe biden, donald trump, obama, bloomberg, msnbc, new york, biden, brian, paul ryan, hilton, white...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner - Seth Meyers : CSPAN : April 26, 2020 3:27am-3:48am EDT

Apr 26, 2020 04/20



Comedian Seth Meyers spoke at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Association annual dinner, the same year President Barack Obama released his long-form birth certificate, and Donald Trump was an attendee at the dinner. Sponsor: White House Correspondents' Association
Topics: joe biden, donald trump, obama, bloomberg, msnbc, new york, biden, brian, paul ryan, hilton, white...
Source: Comcast Cable


67 67

432 : CSPAN : October 14, 2020 12:29pm-5:50pm EDT

Oct 14, 2020 10/20



[LIVE] Senate Judiciary Committee members continue questioning Supreme Court Nominee Amy Coney Barrett. Sponsor: Senate Judiciary Committee
Topics: barrett, scalia, kennedy, klobuchar, harris, blumenthal, booker, graham, crapo, ginsburg, hawley,...
Source: Comcast Cable


506 506

9/11 New York Remembrance Ceremony : CSPAN : September 11, 2020 9:45pm-1:10am EDT

Sep 12, 2020 09/20



A remembrance ceremony was held in New York City to mark the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Vice President Mike Pence, Former Vice President Joe Biden, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) and other state officials attended the event. The ceremony began just before 8:46 am when the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. The reading of the victims' names was prerecorded this year due to the coronavirus pandemic....
Topics: virginia, new york, robert kirkpatrick, paris
Source: Comcast Cable


86 86

9/11 New York Remembrance Ceremony : CSPAN : September 13, 2020 11:40am-3:05pm EDT

Sep 13, 2020 09/20



A remembrance ceremony was held in New York City to mark the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Vice President Mike Pence, Former Vice President Joe Biden, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) and other state officials attended the event. The ceremony began just before 8:46 am when the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. The reading of the victims' names was prerecorded this year due to the coronavirus pandemic....
Topics: maine, new york, paris, richard horton, michael francis lynch
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

9/11 Pentagon Remembrance Ceremony : CSPAN : September 11, 2020 4:12pm-4:34pm EDT

Sep 11, 2020 09/20



Pentagon officials and others marked the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Speakers included Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley. Sponsor: Department of Defense
Topics: pentagon, new york city, pennsylvania, isis
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

9/11 Pentagon Remembrance Ceremony : CSPAN : September 11, 2020 9:14pm-9:36pm EDT

Sep 12, 2020 09/20



Pentagon officials and others marked the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Speakers included Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley. Sponsor: Department of Defense
Topics: pentagon, new york city, pennsylvania, isis
Source: Comcast Cable


9 9.0

9/11 Pentagon Remembrance Ceremony : CSPAN : September 12, 2020 2:52am-3:14am EDT

Sep 12, 2020 09/20



Pentagon officials and others marked the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Speakers included Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley. Sponsor: Department of Defense
Topics: pentagon, pennsylvania, milley, new york city, esper, isis, new york
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

9/11 Pentagon Remembrance Ceremony : CSPAN : September 12, 2020 6:36am-6:59am EDT

Sep 12, 2020 09/20



Pentagon officials and others marked the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Speakers included Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley. Sponsor: Department of Defense
Topics: pentagon, pennsylvania, new york, new york city, isis
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

9/11 Pentagon Remembrance Ceremony : CSPAN : September 13, 2020 11:18am-11:41am EDT

Sep 13, 2020 09/20



Pentagon officials and others marked the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Speakers included Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Mark Milley. Sponsor: Department of Defense
Topics: pentagon, new york, new york city, pennsylvania, esper, milley, isis
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania : CSPAN : September 11, 2020 4:33pm-5:35pm EDT

Sep 11, 2020 09/20



A remembrance ceremony was held in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to mark the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. President Trump paid tribute to the passengers and crew of Flight 93, remembering their heroism and bravery for preventing an attack on Washington, DC. Sponsor: White House,Flight 93 National Memorial
Topics: chuck, jason, washington, david, new york, shanksville, trump, pentagon, pittsburgh, fbi, jane,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania : CSPAN : September 11, 2020 7:59pm-9:00pm EDT

Sep 11, 2020 09/20



A remembrance ceremony was held in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to mark the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. President Trump paid tribute to the passengers and crew of Flight 93, remembering their heroism and bravery for preventing an attack on Washington, DC. Sponsor: White House,Flight 93 National Memorial
Topics: shanksville, chuck, jason, new york, pentagon, david, washington, trump, gordon, pittsburgh, fbi,...
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania : CSPAN : September 11, 2020 9:40am-10:46am EDT

Sep 11, 2020 09/20



[LIVE] A remembrance ceremony is held in Shanksville, Pennsylvania to mark the 19th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Sponsor: White House,Flight 93 National Memorial
Topics: chuck, jason, shanksville, new york, david, pentagon, washington, pennsylvania, trump, gordon,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania : CSPAN : September 12, 2020 1:37am-2:37am EDT

Sep 12, 2020 09/20



A remembrance ceremony was held in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to mark the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. President Trump paid tribute to the passengers and crew of Flight 93, remembering their heroism and bravery for preventing an attack on Washington, DC. Sponsor: White House,Flight 93 National Memorial
Topics: chuck, jason, shanksville, david, new york, washington, pentagon, trump, nancy, d.c., pittsburgh,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania : CSPAN : September 12, 2020 5:21am-6:22am EDT

Sep 12, 2020 09/20



A remembrance ceremony was held in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to mark the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. President Trump paid tribute to the passengers and crew of Flight 93, remembering their heroism and bravery for preventing an attack on Washington, DC. Sponsor: White House,Flight 93 National Memorial
Topics: chuck, jason, shanksville, new york, david, pentagon, washington, trump, pittsburgh, fbi, jane,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Shanksville, Pennsylvania : CSPAN : September 13, 2020 10:04am-11:05am EDT

Sep 13, 2020 09/20



A remembrance ceremony was held in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, to mark the 19th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. President Trump paid tribute to the passengers and crew of Flight 93, remembering their heroism and bravery for preventing an attack on Washington, DC. Sponsor: White House,Flight 93 National Memorial
Topics: chuck, jason, new york, shanksville, david, washington, pentagon, jane, trump, gordon, nancy, fbi,...
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

AEI Discussion on Governing Priorities for the Next President : CSPAN : October 18, 2020 3:03am-5:02am EDT

Oct 18, 2020 10/20



The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) held a virtual symposium about the American economy after COVID-19 and what the governing priorities should be for 2021 and beyond. Nicholas Eberstadt, the 2020 Irving Kristol Award recipient and the Political Economy Chair at AEI, delivered the keynote address, which explored his concerns about the economy and what he called its possible "Japanification" due to growing reliance on federal spending and the decline of the familial structure....
Topics: nick, china, aei, yuval, irving kristol, kori, washington, irving, nick eberstadt, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


8 8.0

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Remarks at Christian Science Monitor : CSPAN : September 3, 2020 4:45pm-5:47pm EDT

Sep 3, 2020 09/20



AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivered remarks and answered reporters' questions at a virtual event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. At the start, he talked about the progress of the labor movement and efforts of the AFL-CIO to elect Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. In addition, Mr. Trumka was asked about voter outreach to union members, police reform, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement and protecting workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Sponsor: [Christian...
Topics: donald trump, joe biden, pennsylvania, washington, mitch mcconnell, michigan, trumka, mexico,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Remarks at Christian Science Monitor : CSPAN : September 4, 2020 10:34am-11:36am EDT

Sep 4, 2020 09/20



AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivered remarks and answered reporters' questions at a virtual event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. At the start, he talked about the progress of the labor movement and efforts of the AFL-CIO to elect Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. In addition, Mr. Trumka was asked about voter outreach to union members, police reform, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement and protecting workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Sponsor: [Christian...
Topics: donald trump, joe biden, pennsylvania, wisconsin, trumka, michigan, washington, mitch mcconnell,...
Source: Comcast Cable


4 4.0

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Remarks at Christian Science Monitor : CSPAN : September 4, 2020 4:43am-5:44am EDT

Sep 4, 2020 09/20



AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivered remarks and answered reporters' questions at a virtual event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. At the start, he talked about the progress of the labor movement and efforts of the AFL-CIO to elect Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. In addition, Mr. Trumka was asked about voter outreach to union members, police reform, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement and protecting workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Sponsor: [Christian...
Topics: donald trump, joe biden, pennsylvania, mexico, michigan, mitch mcconnell, wisconsin, trumka,...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Remarks at Christian Science Monitor : CSPAN : September 7, 2020 10:37pm-11:38pm EDT

Sep 8, 2020 09/20



AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivered remarks and answered reporters' questions at a virtual event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. At the start, he talked about the progress of the labor movement and efforts of the AFL-CIO to elect Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. In addition, Mr. Trumka was asked about voter outreach to union members, police reform, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement and protecting workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Sponsor: [Christian...
Topics: trumka, donald trump, joe biden, pennsylvania, michigan, the afl-cio, washington, wisconsin,...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka Remarks at Christian Science Monitor : CSPAN : September 8, 2020 1:46am-2:47am EDT

Sep 8, 2020 09/20



AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka delivered remarks and answered reporters' questions at a virtual event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor. At the start, he talked about the progress of the labor movement and efforts of the AFL-CIO to elect Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. In addition, Mr. Trumka was asked about voter outreach to union members, police reform, the U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement and protecting workers during the coronavirus pandemic. Sponsor: [Christian...
Topics: donald trump, joe biden, pennsylvania, trumka, mexico, michigan, mitch mcconnell, washington, the...
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

Acting Budget Director on President's 2021 Budget Request : CSPAN : February 12, 2020 8:57pm-12:06am EST

Feb 13, 2020 02/20



Acting Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought testified on President Trump's 2021 budget proposal before the House Budget Committee. In testimony, Mr Vought highlighted the administration's priorities in the $4.8 trillion budget request. Democratic members voiced their concerns with proposed funding levels for Medicare, Medicaid, education, climate change and food assistance programs. Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) chaired this hearing and Rep. Steve Womack (R-AK) served as the...
Topics: vought, trump, omb, nevada, obama, pentagon, washington, pennsylvania, cbo, california, hud, cdbg,...
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Acting Budget Director on President's 2021 Budget Request : CSPAN : February 13, 2020 2:00am-5:12am EST

Feb 13, 2020 02/20



Acting Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought testified on President Trump's 2021 budget proposal before the House Budget Committee. In testimony, Mr Vought highlighted the administration's priorities in the $4.8 trillion budget request. Democratic members voiced their concerns with proposed funding levels for Medicare, Medicaid, education, climate change and food assistance programs. Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) chaired this hearing and Rep. Steve Womack (R-AK) served as the...
Topics: vought, trump, washington, nevada, omb, obama, pentagon, cbo, pennsylvania, mr. vought, california,...
Source: Comcast Cable


37 37

Acting Budget Director on President's 2021 Budget Request : CSPAN : February 15, 2020 3:59pm-5:05pm EST

Feb 15, 2020 02/20



Acting Office of Management and Budget Director Russell Vought testified on President Trump's 2021 budget proposal before the House Budget Committee. In testimony, Mr Vought highlighted the administration's priorities in the $4.8 trillion budget request. Democratic members voiced their concerns with proposed funding levels for Medicare, Medicaid, education, climate change and food assistance programs. Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) chaired this hearing and Rep. Steve Womack (R-AK) served as the...
Topics: vought, trump, hud, omb, mexico, mr. vought, china, house, kennedy, vietnam, ohio, washington,...
Source: Comcast Cable


29 29

Acting Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Delivers Remarks at National Press Club : CSPAN : January 3, 2020 10:04am-11:01am EST

Jan 3, 2020 01/20



Acting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan participated in a discussion at the National Press Club hosted by the Center for Immigration Studies. The acting commissioner discussed law enforcement efforts at the southern border, including funding for a border wall, the implementation of new technologies, and efforts to curb illegal migration flows and thwart drug smuggling and human trafficking. Acting Commissioner Morgan also addressed criticisms of his agency, including...
Topics: jessica, mexico, guatemala, new york, honduras, mark morgan, arizona, city, continental, los...
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

Dec 5, 2020 12/20



Brandon Wales, the acting director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and others testified on how the federal, state and local governments were responding to cyber threats during the coronavirus pandemic. The acting director also answered questions concerning the security of the 2020 elections. He reiterated that there was no evidence of election rigging or votes being changed. Mr. Wales became head of the agency after President Trump fired Chris Krebs for refuting...
Topics: fbi, new hampshire, hartford, russia, arizona, goulet, iran, american hospital association, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

Acting DHS Sec. Wolf Testifies on Law Enforcement Deployed to Protests : CSPAN : August 6, 2020 8:00pm-10:05pm EDT

Aug 7, 2020 08/20



Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee to discuss the involvement of federal law enforcement's role in addressing ongoing unrest in Portland, Oregon, which began as protests after the death of George Floyd. Acting Secretary Wolf rejected claims that federal law enforcement were attacking peaceful protesters and asserted that federal officers were in Portland to protect federal property in that city. He also...
Topics: portland, sec, harris, chicago, dhs, oregon, rosen, lankford, minneapolis, seattle, fbi, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


21 21

Acting DHS Sec. Wolf Testifies on Law Enforcement Deployed to Protests : CSPAN : August 7, 2020 4:57am-6:59am EDT

Aug 7, 2020 08/20



Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee to discuss the involvement of federal law enforcement's role in addressing ongoing unrest in Portland, Oregon, which began as protests after the death of George Floyd. Acting Secretary Wolf rejected claims that federal law enforcement were attacking peaceful protesters and asserted that federal officers were in Portland to protect federal property in that city. He also...
Topics: portland, sec, harris, chicago, dhs, oregon, lankford, rosen, minneapolis, seattle, fbi, st. louis,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Acting DHS Secretary Wolf Testifies on President's 2021 Budget Request : CSPAN : February 25, 2020 2:09pm-3:47pm EST

Feb 25, 2020 02/20



Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf testified on Capitol Hill about the president's 2021 budget request. Members of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security asked about the coronavirus response, drug interdiction efforts, the president's border wall and 2020 election security. The Homeland Security Department budget proposal includes approximately $49.7 billion in net discretionary funding along with an additional $5.1 billion for the disaster relief fund. Sponsor:...
Topics: kennedy, wolf, moore capito, leahy, mrs. capito, fema, mexico, mr. lankford, hoeven, shaheen, mr....
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Acting DHS Secretary Wolf Testifies on President's 2021 Budget Request : CSPAN : February 26, 2020 10:31am-12:00pm EST

Feb 26, 2020 02/20



[LIVE] Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf testifies on the president's 2021 budget request before a House Appropriations subcommittee. Sponsor: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security
Topics: mexico, ms. roybal-allard, new york, mrs. lowey, ms. granger, mr. aguilar, laredo, mr. fleischmann,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf Speaks with U.S. Chamber of Commerce : CSPAN : May 21, 2020 2:28pm-2:53pm EDT

May 21, 2020 05/20



Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf spoke about protecting the supply chain amidst the coronavirus pandemic during a virtual event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Secretary Wolf explained the department's role during the pandemic. He said they are focused on stopping counterfeit personal protective equipment, cybercrimes, and border protection as well as issues not related to coronavirus. Sponsor: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Topics: sec, china, wolf, dhs, michigan
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf Speaks with U.S. Chamber of Commerce : CSPAN : May 25, 2020 5:36am-6:00am EDT

May 25, 2020 05/20



Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf spoke about protecting the supply chain amidst the coronavirus pandemic during a virtual event hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Secretary Wolf explained the department's role during the pandemic. He said they are focused on stopping counterfeit personal protective equipment, cybercrimes, and border protection as well as issues not related to coronavirus. Sponsor: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Topics: google, wolf, cdc, china, mexico
Source: Comcast Cable


3 3.0

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf on China : CSPAN : December 22, 2020 2:45am-3:21am EST

Dec 22, 2020 12/20



Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf spoke about the threat of China's rise and political agenda to U.S. national security with the Heritage Foundation. Other topics discussed included adversaries use of drones against the U.S. and the transition of power from the Trump to the Biden administration. Sponsor: Heritage Foundation
Topics: china, beijing, dhs, sec, ccp, washington, hong kong, prc, trump, tco
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Acting Navy Secretary on Coronavirus Cases Aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt : CSPAN : March 26, 2020 2:34pm-3:05pm EDT

Mar 26, 2020 03/20



Pentagon officials announced they would be testing everyone on board the USS Theodore Roosevelt after more sailors on board tested positive for the coronavirus. Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly said the ship would soon be docking in Guam. He and the commandant of the Marine Corps also outlined other steps they were taking to protect servicemembers and their families. Sponsor: Department of Defense
Topics: navy, modly, san diego, new york, pentagon, paris island, paris
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

Feb 29, 2020 02/20



Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney addressed an audience at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in National Harbor, Maryland. Mr. Mulvaney talked about the administration's handling of the coronavirus, the president's 2021 budget, and highlighted the president's accomplishments. Sponsor: American Conservative Union
Topics: donald trump, india, donald j. trump, mick mulvaney, obama
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Actors and Celebrities at Past Political Conventions : CSPAN : August 26, 2020 12:33pm-1:39pm EDT

Aug 26, 2020 08/20



As the Republican National Convention continues, C-SPAN presented past convention speeches by actors and celebrities, including Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Christopher Reeve, Clint Eastwood & Scarlett Johansson. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: george w. bush, al gore, romney, obama, washington, christopher reeve, hunter, bush, douglas...
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

Actors and Celebrities at Past Political Conventions : CSPAN : August 26, 2020 5:58pm-7:03pm EDT

Aug 26, 2020 08/20



As the Republican National Convention continues, C-SPAN presented past convention speeches by actors and celebrities, including Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Christopher Reeve, Clint Eastwood & Scarlett Johansson. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: george w. bush, obama, romney, christopher reeve, scarlett johansson, new york city, kellyanne...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Actors and Celebrities at Past Political Conventions : CSPAN : August 27, 2020 4:49am-5:56am EDT

Aug 27, 2020 08/20



As the Republican National Convention continues, C-SPAN presented past convention speeches by actors and celebrities, including Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Christopher Reeve, Clint Eastwood & Scarlett Johansson. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: george w. bush, trump, washington, obama, romney, christopher reeve, scarlett johansson, clint...
Source: Comcast Cable


34 34

After Words Jim Lehrer, "Tension City" hosted by Gloria Borger : CSPAN : January 24, 2020 4:14am-5:17am EST

Jan 24, 2020 01/20



Jim Lehrer, the co-founder and longtime anchor of the PBS NewsHour has died. According to a statement from PBS, he died "peacefully in his sleep at home," in Washington, DC. He was 85. In 2011, Mr. Lehrer appeared on C-SPAN's "After Words" program to talk about his book "Tension City," which chronicles televised presidential debates from Kennedy-Nixon to Obama-McCain. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Book TV
Topics: gloria, obama, mccain, barack obama, perrault, dukakis, clinton, bush, bernie, mississippi, michael...
Source: Comcast Cable


42 42

After Words Jim Lehrer, "Tension City" hosted by Gloria Borger : CSPAN : January 25, 2020 7:01pm-8:02pm EST

Jan 26, 2020 01/20



Jim Lehrer, the co-founder and longtime anchor of the PBS NewsHour has died. According to a statement from PBS, he died "peacefully in his sleep at home," in Washington, DC. He was 85. In 2011, Mr. Lehrer appeared on C-SPAN's "After Words" program to talk about his book "Tension City," which chronicles televised presidential debates from Kennedy-Nixon to Obama-McCain. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Book TV
Topics: gloria, obama, mccain, mississippi, michael dukakis, clinton, dukakis, bill clinton, john mccain,...
Source: Comcast Cable


18 18

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue Discussion on the Food Supply Chain : CSPAN : May 18, 2020 4:05am-5:39am EDT

May 18, 2020 05/20



The Bipartisan Policy Center hosted a virtual event with Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue followed by a panel discussion on the nation's food supply chain. Secretary Perdue spoke about issues with the food supply chain and meat processing plants, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)and helping farmers financially. The panel of experts from the food industry discussed the various challenges facing all levels of production. They also discussed the increased demand on food banks,...
Topics: glickman, leslie, usda, sec, katie, perdue, veneman, julie anna, julie, china, sonny perdue,...
Source: Comcast Cable


27 27

Alabama Gov. Ivey Holds Coronavirus Briefing : CSPAN : April 28, 2020 12:00pm-12:44pm EDT

Apr 28, 2020 04/20



[LIVE] Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (D) holds a briefing on the state's response to the coronavirus pandemic. Sponsor: Alabama | Office of the Governor
Topics: alabama, harris, ivey, white house, washington, ivey, etc., butler
Source: Comcast Cable


17 17

Alabama Gov. Ivey Holds Coronavirus Briefing : CSPAN : April 28, 2020 4:18pm-5:06pm EDT

Apr 28, 2020 04/20



Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (D) held in briefing in Montgomery on the state's response to the coronavirus pandemic. The governor announced the current stay-at-home order would be allowed to expire April 30th and a new "Safer at Home" order would go into effect. Gov. Ivey also announced that most businesses and retail stores, limited to a 50 percent occupancy, would be allowed to reopen subject to sanitation and social distancing guidelines. She also outlined new reopening guidelines...
Topics: alabama, harris, white house, washington, whitehouse, mitch mcconnell, vickers, kelly butler, et...
Source: Comcast Cable


43 43

Alabama Gov. Ivey Holds Coronavirus Briefing : CSPAN : April 29, 2020 12:07am-12:55am EDT

Apr 29, 2020 04/20



Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (D) held in briefing in Montgomery on the state's response to the coronavirus pandemic. The governor announced the current stay-at-home order would be allowed to expire April 30th and a new "Safer at Home" order would go into effect. Gov. Ivey also announced that most businesses and retail stores, limited to a 50 percent occupancy, would be allowed to reopen subject to sanitation and social distancing guidelines. She also outlined new reopening guidelines...
Topics: alabama, harris, washington, white house, vickers, et cetera, whitehouse, kelly butler
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

Feb 24, 2020 02/20



Criminal defense attorney Alan Dershowitz debated Democratic consultant Robert Shrum on the politics of impeachment, the #MeToo movement and anti-Semitism. Former Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Alex Kozinski moderated a portion of the debate, which was hosted by the Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts. Sponsor: Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts
Topics: dershowitz, mr. shrum, donald trump, israel, mr. dershowitz, bernie sanders, bill clinton, hillary...
Source: Comcast Cable


53 53

Feb 24, 2020 02/20



Criminal defense attorney Alan Dershowitz debated Democratic consultant Robert Shrum on the politics of impeachment, the #MeToo movement and anti-Semitism. Former Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Alex Kozinski moderated a portion of the debate, which was hosted by the Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts. Sponsor: Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts
Topics: dershowitz, mr. shrum, donald trump, israel, bds, mr. dershowitz, bill clinton, washington, bernie...
Source: Comcast Cable


33 33

Feb 25, 2020 02/20



Criminal defense attorney Alan Dershowitz debated Democratic consultant Robert Shrum on the politics of impeachment, the #MeToo movement and anti-Semitism. Former Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Alex Kozinski moderated a portion of the debate, which was hosted by the Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts. Sponsor: Beverly Hills Temple of the Arts
Topics: mr. shrum, dershowitz, mr. dershowitz, israel, donald trump, bill clinton, kaczynski, clinton, bds,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

Alan Dershowitz : CSPAN : January 26, 2020 10:55pm-10:58pm EST

Jan 27, 2020 01/20



On "Fox News Sunday," President Trump's defense team member Alan Dershowitz discussed the evidence presented in the Senate Impeachment trial. Sponsor: FOX News Channel | "Fox News Sunday"
Topics: hunter biden, joe biden
Source: Comcast Cable


12 12

Dec 26, 2020 12/20



The ambassadors of Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain discussed Middle East peace policy at an event hosted by the Economic Club of Washington, DC. They focused their remarks on the Abraham Accords - a deal to normalize relations between Israel and the two Arab nations. Other topics addressed included Middle East policy goals for the Biden administration, challenges posed by Iran and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Sponsor: Economic Club of Washington
Topics: israel, bahrain, iran, washington, yousef, egypt, david, trump, white house, uae, yemen, jordan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Aug 14, 2020 08/20



Curator Corinne Porter gave American History TV a guided tour of a National Archives exhibit marking the centennial of the 19th amendment. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: utah, white house, tennessee, pennsylvania, new jersey, emily barber, d.c., washington, corinne...
Source: Comcast Cable


31 31

Aug 16, 2020 08/20



Curator Corinne Porter gave American History TV a guided tour of a National Archives exhibit marking the centennial of the 19th amendment. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: tennessee, d.c., utah, washington, white house, pennsylvania, emily barber, columbia, national...
Source: Comcast Cable


28 28

Aug 16, 2020 08/20



Curator Corinne Porter gave American History TV a guided tour of a National Archives exhibit marking the centennial of the 19th amendment. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: washington, white house, d.c., utah, tennessee, emily barber, national women 's, dnc, pennsylvania,...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

American Artifacts Votes for Women : CSPAN : August 14, 2020 2:07pm-2:39pm EDT

Aug 14, 2020 08/20



Historian Kate Clarke Lemay gave American History TV a guided tour of a National Portrait Gallery exhibit marking the centennial of the 19th Amendment. Using images of early suffrage leaders, Lemay showed how the movement intersected with the abolitionist and temperance movements. This was the first of a two-part program. Sponsor: Smithsonian Institution | National Portrait Gallery
Topics: victoria woodhall, colorado, washington, new york, vicksburg, elaine weiss, wyoming, frank leslie,...
Source: Comcast Cable


15 15

American Artifacts Votes for Women : CSPAN : August 14, 2020 2:38pm-3:15pm EDT

Aug 14, 2020 08/20



Historian Kate Clarke Lemay gave American History TV a guided tour of a National Portrait Gallery exhibit marking the centennial of the 19th Amendment. Starting with the 1913 suffrage parade in Washington D.C., she talks about the tactics women used to get the vote including picketing the White House and publishing political cartoons. The exhibit also explores the period after ratification of the amendment up through the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This is the second of a two-part program....
Topics: alice paul, white house, national women 's, pennsylvania, washington, maryland, d.c., woodrow...
Source: Comcast Cable


13 13

American Artifacts Votes for Women : CSPAN : August 15, 2020 6:00pm-6:33pm EDT

Aug 15, 2020 08/20



Historian Kate Clarke Lemay gave American History TV a guided tour of a National Portrait Gallery exhibit marking the centennial of the 19th Amendment. Using images of early suffrage leaders, Lemay showed how the movement intersected with the abolitionist and temperance movements. This was the first of a two-part program. Sponsor: Smithsonian Institution | National Portrait Gallery
Topics: victoria woodhall, colorado, washington, wyoming, leslie, frank leslie, susan b anthony, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


22 22

American Artifacts Votes for Women : CSPAN : August 17, 2020 3:05am-3:42am EDT

Aug 17, 2020 08/20



Historian Kate Clarke Lemay gave American History TV a guided tour of a National Portrait Gallery exhibit marking the centennial of the 19th Amendment. Starting with the 1913 suffrage parade in Washington D.C., she talks about the tactics women used to get the vote including picketing the White House and publishing political cartoons. The exhibit also explores the period after ratification of the amendment up through the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This is the second of a two-part program....
Topics: white house, alice paul, washington, dnc, harding, pennsylvania, maryland, nancy pelosi, trump, joe...
Source: Comcast Cable


14 14

American Bar Association Discussion on Internet Communication Law : CSPAN : September 1, 2020 6:59pm-8:00pm EDT

Sep 1, 2020 09/20



The American Bar Association held a virtual discussion on the Department of Justice's (DOJ) recently proposed changes to the Communications Decency Act, which was written in 1996. Lauren Willard, counselor to Attorney General William Barr outlined the changes the changes to Section 230 of the act, which provides protections for internet service providers against lawsuits for content posted on their sites. Ms. Willard explained the proposed changes would require providers to be more transparent...
Topics: david, amazon, doj, matt, lauren, washington, stratton oakmont, google, new york, lauren willard
Source: Comcast Cable


7 7.0

American Enterprise Institute Discussion on Economic Populism : CSPAN : October 6, 2020 4:57pm-5:59pm EDT

Oct 6, 2020 10/20



The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) held a virtual discussion on the success and failures of President Trump's populism and its potential lasting impacts. AEI Economic Policies Studies Director Michael Strain and University of Chicago economist Casey Mulligan talked the administration's economic policies and approach to trade, immigration and the debt and deficit. Sponsor: American Enterprise Institute
Topics: reagan, casey, trump, china, obama, bush, michael, washington, japan, aei, sanders, lighthizer,...
Source: Comcast Cable


24 24

American Medical Association President Delivers Remarks on Coronavirus : CSPAN : April 11, 2020 11:23pm-12:26am EDT

Apr 12, 2020 04/20



American Medical Association President Dr. Patrice Harris discussed the coronavirus pandemic at a virtual event hosted by the National Press Club. Dr. Harris called on all states to enact stay-at-home orders and to rely on science, not political considerations, when making decisions about the virus. She also spoke about the dangers of misinformation, warning it can lead to more illness and death. Sponsor: National Press Club | Newsmaker
Topics: harris, ama, philadelphia, patrice harris, st. louis, chicago, white house, american medical...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.